Published: Friday, 22nd October 2021
Cannock Chase Council has revised its discretionary Additional Restrictions Grant policy (ARG) and launched this week its NEW Covid Recovery Grant.
Additional Restrictions Grants are provided to Local Authorities by the Government to support businesses that were and continue to be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Council received funding totaling £3,544,885 from the Government and due to the Council spending its allocation in full, has been allocated a further £634,571.00 which is now to be made available to eligible local businesses.
Councillor Mike Sutherland, Portfolio Leader for District Development said “The Additional Restrictions Grants provide funding to businesses that have not been eligible for any other grant funding. We have already provided many businesses in the District with support from this funding.
“The Council decides the eligibility criteria for these grants and this policy has now been updated. I would urge anyone that continues to struggle following the effects of the pandemic to check the new policy on our website to see if they are eligible, how to apply and the grants available.”
The new policy can be viewed on our website here: