Published: Thursday, 18th August 2022
Local businesses that did not qualify for rate relief funded by the Government to help them get through the COVID-19 pandemic are being invited to apply for new rate relief support as part of a further allocation of money received by Cannock Chase Council from the Government.
The funding, available now, is from the Government’s COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund known as CARF.
The funding is aimed at local businesses who were affected by the pandemic but were ineligible for earlier support linked to business rates. Eligible businesses must be based in the Cannock Chase District and have been in business and liable for business rates as of 1 April 2021. They must be able to demonstrate that their business has been severely impacted by COVID-19.
Councillor Mike Sutherland, Portfolio Leader for District and High Street Development said: “The Council recognises that businesses are facing all sorts of pressures at the moment. For many they are still trying to recover from the pandemic. This new and welcome funding is designed to reduce some of the financial challenges we know have affected particular businesses.
“To ensure no eligible business misses out we have already written to 700 businesses to tell them about the new funding and how to apply. But if there are other businesses who think they might qualify, they should urgently check out the Council’s website for further information.”
For specific details on who can and cannot apply and an application form, local businesses should go to All applications must be submitted no later than 15 September.
Councillor Mike Sutherland, Portfolio Holder for District and High Street Development.