Park Homes Warm Home Discount Scheme

Councillor Frank Allen

Published: Thursday 22nd December 2016 | 8.52am

Residents of park homes in the District are set to benefit from £700,000 worth of energy bill rebates, as part of a government Warm Home Discount (WHD) scheme, available to residents across the country, on a first come first served basis.

The scheme is funded by eight UK energy suppliers (British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, npower, Scottish Power, SSE, Utilita and Extra Energy) and is independently administered by Charis Grants Limited.

Until now most people living in park homes did not qualify for WHD rebates because their energy suppliers' contract is often with the site owner, not the individual residents.  But now eligible park home residents in or at risk of fuel poverty in Great Britain will receive a £140 annual rebate on their energy bills.

As the WHD is designed to support vulnerable consumers, recipients must meet one of the eligibility criteria set out below in addition to paying council tax at the property:

  • They or their partner is in receipt of Pension Credit Guarantee & Savings or Pension Credit Savings
  • They are in receipt of one of a number of means tested eligible benefits (see table)
  • They have a gross annual household income of less than £16,190 and the account holder is living with mental or physical disability or illness, or there is vulnerability within the home (children living in the house aged 5 or under or those of pensionable age)
  • They have a gross annual household income of less than £16,190 and spend 10% or more of household income on energy bills to heat the property

Councillor Frank Allen, Housing Portfolio Leader said “We are very pleased to be able to pass on the good news to residents of park homes in the District, particularly at the time of year when finances are stretched for most families. It presents a good opportunity for those on low incomes and at risk of fuel poverty to get back money and reducing the cost of heating their park home.”  

In addition eligible consumers will also benefit from advice on making their homes more energy efficient.

How to apply for the rebate:

Park home residents can apply for the rebate at or by calling the Charis Park Homes hotline on 0330 380 1040.

Successful applicants will then be sent a cheque for £140 to help with energy costs.

The WHD scheme already benefits pensioners on low income and who are in receipt of Pension Credit. The £140 rebate is automatically applied to their electricity or gas account.

Other schemes are available from participating suppliers to assist a broader range of households in or at risk of fuel poverty. Further advice and information can be obtained from energy suppliers or the .gov website.

Means tested eligible benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseekers' Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (which includes a work related activity or support component)
  • Universal Credit (low income elements)

And includes one of the following:

  • Child element for children aged 5 or under
  • Disabled child element
  • Disability or pensioner premiums









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