Ravenhill Park Play Area Refurbishment and Paddling Pool

Councillor Christine Mitchell

Published: Monday 20th August 2018 | 3.51pm

Cannock Chase Council has been working with Brereton Millions on their project to upgrade the play facilities at Ravenhill Park in Brereton. 

Brereton Millions / Support Staffordshire successfully secured Big Lottery Funding and procured a contractor, Playdale, to design and install the new equipment and a Project Manager to oversee its delivery.

To enable works to start the Council granted them a license to occupy the park from 13 May when works began. Unfortunately these works necessitated the closure of the paddling pool for health and safety reasons and also prevented the Council from undertaking the remedial works until Brereton Millions completed their project.  

In managing the project, Brereton Millions and their contractor experienced a number of issues which meant that the original planned date for completion of the play area and opening of the paddling pool, on the 19 July, was delayed by 4 weeks. The Contractor was still replacing equipment on the 16 August, 2 days before the rescheduled opening. 

It is regrettable that these delays have meant that it was not possible to repair and repaint the paddling pool by the 18 August nor was it considered justifiable to spend money on these works given that the paddling pool would only be open for a couple of weeks and would close on 2 September, for winter as usual.

Councilor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “It is unfortunate that Support Staffordshire / Brereton Millions ran over on their project, but we did point out to them at the very start of the project that they were refurbishing the play area at a busy time of the year which would affect the operation of the paddling pool. The paddling pool season runs from May until the end of August and if the Council had taken the site back as anticipated on the 19 July it would have been possible to undertake the works and operate the pool for 4-5 weeks.  However, the delay in the play area refurbishment has meant that that the Council only had a 2 week window to refurbish and operate the pool. We hope that the residents/visitors to our Green Flag Park enjoy the refurbished play area.”

The Council is committed to undertaking the works to ensure that the pool will reopen as planned next year.

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