Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015
Cannock Chase Council is supporting Small Business Saturday in the District and encourages residents to ‘shop local’.
Small Business Saturday UK is a grass-roots campaign which exists to support, promote and inspire small businesses. It also encourages consumers to shop local and support the independent shops in our town centres. The day takes place on the first Saturday in December every year, but it is hoped that the campaign will have a lasting impact for small businesses.
Small Business Saturday 2015 will take place on Saturday 5th December, with lots happening in Cannock, Rugeley and Hednesford.
Cannock – Saturday 5th December
- Santa will be in Cannock Shopping Centre
- There is a fun day with entertainment in the indoor market between 10am-2pm. Free entertainment will include a face painter, stilt walking, juggling, unicyclist, balloon modelling and the owl experience
Rugeley – Saturday 5th December
- There is a fun day with entertainment in the indoor market between 10am-2pm. Free entertainment will include a comedy duo and find a hero a home stall
- On every Saturday between 28th November and 19th December and on Christmas Eve Santa will be on stall 32
- Spend over £10 at any one stall during December and receive your £1 car park fee back
Hednesford – Friday 4th December
- Christmas light switch on with late night shopping, stalls through Market Street and a visit from Santa. Entertainment starts at 4pm and lights will be switch on at 6pm.
In 2014 the national campaign saw 16.5 million people shop in a small business on Small Business Saturday, and £504 million was spent in small businesses on that day.
Councillor Diane Todd, Town Centre Regeneration Portfolio Leader said “Small Business Saturday is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and support the smaller independent shops in our town centres.
We have a few success stories in our District where market stall holders have grown and moved into their own premises. However we must remember these businesses can’t succeed without the support of shoppers. So I urge you to help me in supporting our town centres.”
Small Business Saturday originated in the US in 2010 by American Express and first started in the UK in 2013.