Tennis courts refurbished across the district

Tennis court

Published: Monday 16th September 2024 | 8.23am

Cannock Chase Council, in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), is proud to announce the official opening of its refurbished tennis courts across the district.

The scheme has seen significant upgrades to tennis facilities across the district, including four courts at Hednesford Park, six at Cannock Park, one at Ravenhill Park, and the complete rebuilding of two courts at Heath Hayes Park.  These were officially opened by Chairman of the Council, Councillor Steve Thornley and his consort Councillor Sue Thornley earlier this month

The LTA has provided in excess of £200,000. The remainder of the funding came from the Council’s capital Section 106 programme.  

The tennis courts have been transformed with new surfaces, fencing, and the installation of smart 24/7 access gates. The smart gates make it easier for residents to book and enjoy the facilities at a time of their choice.

The investment has already shown positive results since the courts reopened in January 2024. This demonstrates the growing interest and participation in tennis within the community.  

Councillor John Preece Deputy Leader and Parks, Culture and Heritage Portfolio Leader said “We are delighted to see the revitalisation of our local tennis courts and the positive impact it has had on our community. I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to the Lawn Tennis Association for their funding and the commitment to overseeing this refurbishment program.

“It’s wonderful to see so many residents enjoying tennis, and I’m confident these courts will continue to be a fantastic asset for years to come.”

Julie Porter, Chief Operating Officer at the LTA, said “After months of hard work, we’re delighted to see park tennis courts across Cannock Chase officially back open to the public, and in better shape than ever. 

“Public tennis courts are such vital facilities for getting active and we want as many people as possible, of all ages and abilities, to pick up a racket and enjoy playing tennis. Thanks to this investment the sport will be opened to many more players.”

For more information on booking courts visit our website:

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