Work due to start on artificial grass pitch

Members with picture of AGP on proposed site

Published: Thursday, 17th March 2016

Local Councillors from Cannock Chase Council visit the proposed site for an artificial grass pitch on Bradbury Lane in Hednesford.

Members were invited to look at plans for an artificial grass pitch (AGP) which include a fenced full-sized floodlit 3G artificial grass pitch (AGP) and a new changing pavilion at the site of the former West Cannock Sports and Social Club on Bradbury Lane in Hednesford.

In February 2015 Cannock Council were awarded £390,039 from Sports England towards this scheme, which will bring the dis-used site back into constructive use for sport and active recreation.  The site has not been used since 2008.

Councillor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “It has been a long process from the planning stage, so I am delighted that work will start on the artificial grass pitch this Spring/Summer.

The Council has a major role in contributing to the promotion and delivery of increased participation in sport, recreation and physical activity.  This provision of a first class sports and recreation facility will meet the needs of the community and benefit the whole District.”

Contractors have been appointed for the work on the pitch and will start Spring/Summer 2016.  The Council are currently out to tender for contractors to build the pavilion.

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