Register of Interests - Parish and Town Councillors

Register of Interests

Section 29 of the Localism Act 2011 requires the Council's Monitoring Officer to maintain a Register of Members' Interests and that the Register must be published on the Council's website for both District Councillors and any Parish Councillors whose Parish/Town Councils falls within the District's area.

Registers of Interests for councillors of the District's Parish and Town Councils can be viewed below.

Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council

Miles Blackham

Carl Boulton

Caroline Davies

Jay Gascoigne

Ruth Hall

Rebecca Hall-Davies

Clair Harris

Jake Johnson

Sue Merriman

Kay Paul

x3 vacancies

Bridgtown Parish Council

Simon Bates

Robert Eccleston

Kelly Gorman

Martyn Gutowski

Roger Thackham

x2 vacancies

Brindley Heath Parish Council

Brindley Village Parish Ward

Alan Pearson

Shirley Pearson

Mike Sutherland

Mary Turville

Ron Turville

Chase Side Parish Ward

Paul Adams

Dave Cotton

Cannock Wood Parish Council

Pat Ansell

Avril Green

Susan Janes

Fiona McMulkin

Paul Thomas

Elizabeth Whiteley

Stephen Wroe

Heath Hayes and Wimblebury Parish Council

Hawks Green Parish Ward

Phil Hewitt

x2 vacancies

New Heath Hayes Parish Ward

Paris Theodorou

x2 vacancies

Old Heath Hayes Parish Ward

John Bernard

Lisa Wilson

x2 vacancies

Wimblebury Parish Ward

Eugenie Aston

Julie Aston

John Preece

Hednesford Town Council

Anglesey Parish Ward

Paul Jones

Garry Samuels

Ann Turville

Pye Green Parish Ward

Shirley Pearson

Ron Turville

Carl White

West Hill Parish Ward

Debbie Cartwright

Sheila Cartwright

Alan Pearson

Arthur Roden

Norton Canes Parish Council

Dale Bilbie

William Bird

John Bridgen

Ben Farbrother

Ken Fereday

Mike Holder

Ann Kirk

Dylan Pickin

John Preece

Ian Reeves

Robert Wilkinson

Tony Wilson

x1 vacancy

Rugeley Town Council

Etching Hill Parish Ward

David Gaye

Clair Meeson

Alan Miller

Peter Morrell

Constantin Rotaru

x2 vacancies

Hagley Parish Ward

Daniel Foceac

Keeren Hart

Glenn Kirkham

Jane Leadbeater

John Wilson

Western Springs North Parish Ward

Patricia Ansell

Trevor Castle

Derek Jones

Rose Newman

Jonathon Parkes

Western Springs South Parish Ward

William Clark

David Galaska

Last Updated:

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