Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council are elected at the annual meeting of the Council (usually held in late May each year).  Members elected to these roles cannot serve in the Cabinet at the same time.

The Chair, and in their absence, the Vice-Chair, has the following roles and functions as set out in the Council's Constitution:

  1. The Chair of the Council is the civic head of the Council and will represent the Council at such civic and ceremonial functions, including at the funerals of past or serving Members (subject to the wishes of the families) as the Council and they may determine appropriate and will also act as the Council's ambassador within and outside of the District.


  2. To preside over meetings of the Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively having regard to the rights of Councillors and the interests of the community.


  3. To ensure that the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community and the place at which Members determine strategic objectives, policies, and programmes to be followed.


  4. To promote public involvement in the Council's activities.


  5. To maintain the dignity of the office and at no time bring discredit to it or the Council.


  6. To be available for consultation on any matter upon which consultation with the Chair of the Council is required under the Constitution.
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