Local residents receive important voter registration information

Published: Thursday, 6th August 2015
Households in the Cannock Chase area will have recently received a form asking residents to check whether the information on the electoral register for those living at their address is correct.
This forms part of Cannock Chase Council's annual voter registration canvass.
The aim of the form is to ensure that the electoral register is up to date and to identify any residents who are not currently registered so that they can be encouraged to do so.
Respect - It's a two way street

Published: Tuesday, 28th July 2015
A Police force-wide summer anti-social behaviour campaign is underway in Staffordshire promoting the importance of all generations showing consideration and tolerance to each other.
Respect: It's a two way street', is asking people to think about how their actions affect others. Anti-social behaviour can be caused by people of all ages and from different backgrounds, it's not confined to young people.
Performance and Partnerships Scrutiny Sub Cttee - 11th February 2009
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Performance and Partnerships Scrutiny Sub Cttee - 18th March 2009
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Performance and Partnerships Scrutiny Sub Cttee - 14th January 2009
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Performance and Partnerships Scrutiny Sub Cttee - 19th November 2008
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