Chase Line Electrification on target for completion

Cllr Alcott

Published: Tuesday, 1st December 2015

Cannock Chase Council is pleased to learn that the final remaining question mark on completion of the £76m Chase Line electrification between Walsall and Rugeley has been removed.

While the project started in 2013 with bridge reconstruction works, including two structures at Hednesford, following an overspend by Network Rail on other electrification schemes, the Government announced a “national pause” on electrification schemes until a better understanding of the cost increase had been obtained.

Help for Heroes Donation

Help For Heroes

Published: Monday, 30th November 2015

Mrs Margaret Lavender, from Stalls 22 and 23, in Cannock Market, presents Shirley Ward, Help for Heroes Volunteer County Co-Ordinator with a cheque for £500. This was raised by Cannock Market customers in the 'Wishing Well' at the front of the market and was very greatly received by this charity.

This was part of an ongoing fundraising initiative for charities within Cannock Market.

Planning for Mill Green Designer Outlet Village approved

Mill green designer outlet

Published: Thursday, 26th November 2015

Cannock Chase Council’s Planning Control Committee approved the application for a new designer outlet village in Cannock.

Cannock Chase Council’s Planning Control Committee approved the application for a new designer outlet village in Cannock at its meeting yesterday (25th November 2015). The decision of the committee was unanimous.

'The planning application was submitted in February this year by development partners U+I (formerly Development Securities) and Rioja Developments.

Council determine to lobby regarding trade union proposal

Cannock Chase Logo

Published: Thursday, 26th November 2015

Cannock Chase Council members voted by a majority to lobby government following a motion debated at last week’s Council meeting, regarding the Government’s Trade Union Bill.

The Government proposals include ending the ban on employees bringing in agency workers to cover for permanent staff during industrial action; brings in new restrictions on pickets and protests during strikes, unions will have to give employers and the police the details of a lead picketer on every picket line, as well as submitting a campaign plan two weeks before any action.

National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week

Cannock Chase Council logo

Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015

'CT' Awareness Week is taking place from 23rd to 29th November and is being coordinated by the office of the National Coordinator Protect & Prepare (NCPP).

The key messages are

Recycling calendars will be issued next year

green brown and blue bins

Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015

Residents are advised that the new waste and recycling calendars will be issued before the end of March next year.

The Council recently announced they were set to award the contracts for their waste collection service and organic garden waste disposal, which will have implications on the way recycling and waste is collected in the District.

Streets to be named in honour of war heroes

Leader of the Council George Adamson

Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015

Cannock Chase Council is seeking the relatives of 120 First World War heroes, whose names are engraved on the war memorial in Hednesford, in order to name roads on a new housing estate in their honour.

Planning permission has been granted for a housing development on land off Pye Green Road in Hednesford.

It has been requested by the Leader of the Council George Adamson, that the roads on the new housing development are named in memory of local war heroes from the First World War.

Supporting Small Business Saturday in our District

Small business Saturday logo

Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015

Cannock Chase Council is supporting Small Business Saturday in the District and encourages residents to ‘shop local’.

Small Business Saturday UK is a grass-roots campaign which exists to support, promote and inspire small businesses.  It also encourages consumers to shop local and support the independent shops in our town centres.  The day takes place on the first  Saturday in December every year, but it is hoped that the campaign will have a lasting impact for small businesses.

Residents urged to 'stay well this winter'

councillor muriel davis

Published: Tuesday, 24th November 2015

Cannock Chase Council is supporting the ‘Stay well this winter’ campaign and urging vulnerable residents in the District to protect themselves.

The campaign launched by Public Health England and NHS England aims to prevent admissions by encouraging people of 65, or those with long term health conditions to prepare for winter with advice on how to ward off common illnesses.

The NHS ‘Stay Well This Winter’ campaign urges the public to:

Waste and recycling contracts will save over £300k a year

Cllr Alan Dudson

Published: Thursday, 19th November 2015

Following a long procurement exercise, Cannock Chase Council is set to award the contracts for their waste collection service and organic garden waste disposal.

Subject to the statutory 10 day standstill procurement requirements the Council intend to award the contract for the disposal and treatment of organic garden waste to Jack Moody Ltd; with Biffa Municipal Ltd being awarded the contract for waste collection; this includes residual and food waste, garden waste and dry recycling.

A to Z of Services