Statement of Accounts

The Council’s statutory Statement of Accounts is prepared in accordance with the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the UK, which requires that it presents a true and fair view of the Council’s financial position.

You can download the current year and past years statements of accounts below.

Notice of appointment of auditor to Cannock Chase District Council from 2023/24

Under Section 8(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Council must publish a notice relating to the appointment of its auditor.

For audits of the accounts from 2023/24, Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (PSAA) is responsible for appointing an auditor to principal local government and police bodies that have chosen to opt into its national auditor appointment arrangements.  Cannock Chase District Council opted into this arrangement.

At its meeting on 16 December 2022, the PSAA Board appointed Azets Audit Services to audit the accounts of Cannock Chase District Council for a period of five years, for the accounts from 2023/24 to 2028/29.  This appointment is made under regulation 13 of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015.



Delay to Public Inspection of Unaudited Statement of Accounts for the year
ending March 2024

Cannock Chase District Council's financial year runs from April to March and
following the end of each financial year it publishes an annual statement of accounts.
The accounts are one of the means by which the Council demonstrates its
stewardship of public money and they present the financial position of the Council as
at 31 March each year. They are produced in the format stipulated by the Chartered
Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) in accordance with best
accounting practice.

Under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 we are required to publish our draft
Statement of Accounts, Narrative Report and Annual Governance Statement for the
year ended 31 March 2024, and to commence the 30 working day period for the
exercise of public rights, by 31 May 2024.

Where we are unable to meet this deadline we are required to confirm this in a public
notice which sets out our reasons. This statement fulfils that requirement, as
specified in section 15 (1A) of The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

We have been unable to publish our Statement of Accounts, Narrative Report and
Annua Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2024 by 31 May 2024
because of competing priorities within our finance team and resource available to
meet this deadline. We will publish these documents as soon as they have been
approved by the authority and signed on its behalf, and then issue a notice
commencing the period for the exercise of public rights.

A guide to your rights can be found at

Civic Centre
PO Box 28
Beecroft Road
WS11 1BG


Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023

Statement of Accounts Subject to Audit 2022-2023

Audit Notice 2022-2023

Signed Backstop Audit Opinion 2022-23


Annual Governance Statement 2021-2022

Statement of Accounts Subject to Audit 2021-2022

Audit Notice 2021-2022

Signed Backstop Audit Opinion 2021-2022

2020 - 21

Statement of Accounts 2020-21

Annual Governance Statement 2020-21

Audit Notice 2020-21

Auditors report on audit of financial statements 2020-21


Audit Notice 2019-20

Notice of departure statutory inspection period 2019-20

Annual Governance Statement 2019-20

Statement of Accounts 2019-20

Conclusion of Audit Notice 2019-20

Auditors Report on Financial Statements 2019-20

2018 - 19

Statement of Accounts 2018-19

Audit Report 2018-19

Conclusion of Audit Notice 2018-19

Annual Governance Statement

Audit Notice 2018/19

Notice of appointment of auditor to Cannock Chase District Council from 2018/19

Under Section 8(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Council must publish a notice relating to the appointment of its auditor.

For audits of the accounts from 2018/19, Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (PSAA) is responsible for appointing an auditor to principal local government and police bodies that have chosen to opt into its national auditor appointment arrangements.  Cannock Chase District Council opted into this arrangement.

At its meeting on 14 December 2017, the PSAA Board appointed Grant Thornton to audit the accounts of Cannock Chase District Council for a period of five years, for the accounts from 2018/19 to 2022/23.  This appointment is made under regulation 13 of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015.

Statement of Accounts 2017-18

Audit Notice 2017/18

Statement of Accounts 2017/18

Audit Report 2017/18

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017/18

Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

2016 / 17

Statement of accounts 2016-17

Audit of accounts notice 2016-17

Conclusion of audit notice

Audit report

2015 / 16

Statement of Accounts 2015-16

Audit of Accounts Notice 2015-16

Auditors report on the financial statements 2015-16

Conclusion of Audit Notice 2015-16

2012/13  2013/14  2014/15

Statement of Accounts 2014-15

Statement of Accounts 2013-14

Statement of Accounts 2012-13


Last Updated:

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