Transparency / Open Data

Transparency / Open Data

We are now publishing several sets of 'open data'. 

Greater transparency of public bodies is at the heart of enabling the public to hold politicians and public bodies to account.

Where public money is involved there is a fundamental public interest in being able to see how it is being spent.

The sections listed below hold various sets of data that you can download and/or view. 


Using our data

All data on this site is subject to the Open Government Data Licence, details of which can be found at

Spending / Invoices over £500

We are now publishing details of items that we spend over £500 to improve openness and transparency in public spending.

We aim to publish data monthly.

Download Reports Here

The data is taken directly from the Council's financial management system, and is presented in a raw 'CSV' format. You can open this file type using various software packages including Microsoft Excel. This format therefore allows the data to be interrogated easily.

There are some items of expenditure that are excluded from the reports. These are: 

  • Payments of less than £500
  • Banking investments
  • Payroll Information
  • Severance Payments
  • Settlement and Compensation Payments 

Where a payment is to an individual or a sole trader, the name of the individual has been removed as this information is protected under the Data Protection Act 1998. Approval for publication of their names has been sought and may be released at a later date should they agree.

Where payments under £500 appear in a report, this will be either because once the VAT element is included the total is more than £500, or because an invoice for more than £500 has been broken down across different areas of expenditure.

This data is freely re-usable under the same terms as recommend.

The 'CSV' format uses a standard column width and not all entries may be completely visible. To view all the data, you will need to expand the columns. You can do this by selecting all the cells in the file (the grey box beside column A and above row 1), and then clicking on Format > Column > AutoFitSelection.

Any requests for more details about these items will be dealt with under freedom of information requests.

Using our data

All data on this site is subject to the Open Government Data Licence, details of which can be found at

Organisation Structure and Pay

An organisational chart of the staff structure of the local authority 

Pay Policy - Details of pay and salary within the Council.

Pay Policy Statement 2025-26

Management structure and pay 2024

Senior Officer Salary Disclosure

Publication of remuneration details for senior management

As part of the 'open data' agenda Cannock Chase Council is now publishing certain data sets online.

One of these sets of information comprises the job titles and salaries of senior officers.  

Senior managers' salaries are expressed in terms of bands (as per the Information Commissioner's Office guidance on this matter), The chief executive's salary is disclosed as an exact figure.

For further information on senior officer salaries please refer to the Council's Pay Policy Statement on this page.

Location of Public Land and Buildings

An interactive map of the district is available to view.

It includes various 'layers' including public buildings and land.

Access interactive mapping here (New system currently under construction)

To view land and buildings
1. Click the link above
2. From the drop down menu top right, select 'public services'
3. Select 'Layers' tab on bottom right menu 
4. Click the arrow next to 'public services'
5. Select 'Council Land' and 'Sold' check boxes.

You can then zoom into the map to view information.

The Council's Financial Position

Access more on these subjects below:

Statements of accounts / Council Budgets

Committee reports

Councillors' Allowances

Please follow this link to download Councillors' allowances statements.


Information relating to the Council's Constitution may be found by following this link.

Parking Data

Car Parking data including

  • Car Parking Revenue
  • Car park locations - Grid references
  • Car park locations - on street parking

Car Parking Revenue 2014-15

Car Park Locations - Grid References

Car Park Locations - On Street Parking

Land and Property Assets

For a copy of the Council's land and and property assets at this point please contact Property services on 01543 464447

Waste Contract

Details of our existing waste collection contract is shown below.

Reference No. s-pla-078

Title of Agreement: Kerbside Recycling Contract 

Local Authority Department Responsible: Housing & Waste 

Description of Service: Kerbside Collection of Dry Recycling 

Supplier Name: Biffa Municipal Waste Services 

Sum: £660,000 p.a. 

Start & End Dates: 1st April 2005 - 31st March 2010 

Extension Option: 1st April 2010  - 31st March 2015 

Contract Result of: Invitation to Tender 

VEAT Extension:   1st April 2015 - 31st March 2016 

VEAT Reference No: 2014/S 190-335615  -  2014/S 157-283376

Trade Union Facility Time

Trade Union Facility Time April 23-Mar 24
Cannock Chase District Council
(Published July 2024)

What is Trade Union Facility Time? 
Facility time is when an employee takes time off from their normal role to carry out their duties and activities as a trade union representative.
Under the Trade Union Facility Time Publication Requirements Regulations 2017 public sector employers must report and publish information on facility time for those employees who are trade union representatives.
Trade Union Facility Time is split into two categories;
Trade Union Duties (paid) and Trade Union Activities (either paid or unpaid). Trade Union representatives are entitled to reasonable paid time off to carry out trade union duties. They are not entitled to paid time off for trade union activities, but an employer can choose to pay for this time.

Some examples of Trade Union Duties
•    Duties connected with collective bargaining – for example, on terms and conditions of employment, redundancy, allocation of work
•    Taking part in a negotiation or consultation process – including meeting and corresponding with managers, and informing union members of progress and outcomes
•    Attending a disciplinary or grievance hearing, with trade unions, including allowing reasonable time to prepare
•    Attending training for the trade union representative role

Some examples of Trade Union Activities 
•    Discussing internal union matters dealing with internal administration of the union – for example, answering union correspondence meetings other than as part of the negotiating or consultation process

Trade Union Representatives
The Council recognises two Trade Unions for the purposes of Collective Bargaining.
In total there are 6 recognised Trade Union Representatives within the Council.  
These Representatives spent no more than 50% of their total working hours on Facility Time between April 2023 and March 2024.

Facility Time costs 
The Council’s gross pay bill for 2023-24 was £15,601,191.33
The total cost of Trade Union Facility Time during this period was £ 10,360.89
This equates to 0.07% of the total salary bill being spent on Trade Union Facility Time

Paid Trade Union Activities and Duties
Union Representatives spent a total of 325.50  hours on paid Facility Time during 2023-24
Of this time 282.50 hours (86.79%) was spent on Trade Union Duties and 43 hours (13.21%) of time was spent on Trade Union Activities.

Assets of Community Value

Part 5, Chapter 3, of the Localism Act 2011 ('the Act'), and the Assets of Community Value ( England ) Regulations 2012 ('the 2012 Regulations') together deliver the 'Community Right to Bid' scheme.

This scheme gives communities the opportunity to:

  • Identify assets of community value;
  • Have the assets registered with the District Council, and;
  • When the assets are put up for sale, allow communities more time to raise finance and prepared bids for the assets

The Register of Assets of Community Value can be found on this website at:

 Gender Pay Gap

The Gender Pay Gap Report is available to download below.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 (Published March 2024) (PDF 265k)

Public Contracts Legislation - Payments

Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Regulation 113) Cannock Chase District Council is required to publish performance data at the end of each financial year starting with 2015/16.

The data demonstrates the Council’s performance on paying invoices within 30 days to first tier suppliers/ prime contractors over the previous 12 months.

The statistics include:

  1. Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days.
  2. The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment.

Additionally, it is a requirement to publish the total amount of interest that the Council was liable to pay i.e. whether or not paid, whether statutory or otherwise, due to breach of the Regulations. This figure must be published annually in relation to the previous 12 month period at the end of March 2017.

In order to comply with the legislation, the table below shows the performance of Cannock Chase District Council.

Financial Year

Proportion of invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113

The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to breach of the requirement in regulation 113

The amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay i.e. Whether paid or not paid whether statutory or otherwise due to a breach of the Regulations










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