
The people, groups, stakeholders and communities of Cannock Chase are what make the district unique, and as a Council we are committed to not only listening to and responding to what our residents say; but also involving residents in shaping and improving our services.

On this page you will find information about current Cannock Chase Council consultations, results of past consultations and information and links to external consultations that affect the District

Current Cannock Chase Council Consultations

Tenancy Agreement - Consultation 2024/25 

The Council intends to make changes to its introductory/secure tenancy agreement. The reasons for making the proposed changes are:
•    The current tenancy agreement has been in use since 2010, and it now needs up-dating as a result of changes in the law, regulation and general accepted good practice.
•    The proposed new tenancy agreement is a completely new, re-written document which is now set out in clearly headed sections based on rights and responsibilities rather than on subject areas. We believe that this will make the tenancy agreement easier to read and understand.

By law we are required to consult tenants on the proposed new tenancy agreement as once the consultation has been completed and the Council’s Cabinet have approved it, this will become the new tenancy agreement, subject to any further changes we make because of consulting with you.

To find out more and take part please follow the link Tenancy Agreement | Cannock Chase District Council


Rent Increase Consultation 2024/25

Cannock Chase District Council, like most social landlords, considers what, if any, rent increase should be applied for its tenants each year.  The new rent is normally applied on the first Monday in April, until the last Monday of March the following year.  

For 2025/26, the Council is proposing to increase council housing rents by 2.7% from 7 April 2025. This compares to an increase of 7.7% in 2024/25.  

This webpage sets out frequently asked questions about the rent increase process, why the increase is proposed, how our rents compare and how you can send in your views about the proposals. 

The consultation is open and will close at 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025. 

To find out more and take part in the consultation follow the link Rent Increase 2025/26 | Cannock Chase District Council

Results of Past Consultations

We believe it is important to feedback to the community following our Consultation and Engagement projects.

Have your say on the Council's new website

We ran a website consultation from 26 January 2015 - 13 March 2015, this allowed people to provide their feedback on the old website and make suggestions for the new site. The results are available below

Stadium Play Area Consultation

As part of the redevelopment of the stadium site a play area has been developed. We visited local schools and academies in January 2015 to gather feedback on what play equipment they would like to see more of. The results are below.

Changing Places - Mill Street Underpass

Cannock Chase Council and WLCT joined forces to makeover the Mill Street Underpass in Cannock. Before the makeover a consultation too place from 3 December 2014 -7 January 2015 giving residents the opportunity to have their say about the state of the underpass and what images reperesents the District to go on the new artwork. The results are available below.

Rugeley Indoor Market Consultation

A consultation took place to gather local views about Rugeley Indoor Market to identify how to make the market more attractive to shoppers. The consultation ran in June 2014 and the results can be found below.


Combined Website Consultation Results .pdf (871 KB)

Rugeley Market Consultation Results .pdf (431.02 KB)

Stadium Play Area Consultation Results .pdf (521.79 KB)

Mill Street Underpass Consultation Results .pdf (427.23 KB)

External Consultations

Here you will find details of external consultations that are relevant to Cannock Chase district:

There are currently no consultations  


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