Council welcomes Ofgem chairman to see community solar project tackling fuel poverty

Chairman of Ofgem with partners

Published: Tuesday, 5th March 2019

The Chairman of energy regulator Ofgem, Martin Cave, has been in Cannock to find out about an innovative community solar installation scheme that feeds surplus energy into the national grid, so reducing the bills of Council tenants who could otherwise be facing fuel poverty.

He was joined on his fact finding visit by Ofgem’s Executive Director for Consumers and Markets, Mary Stark.

The Solar PV installation is managed by Chase Community Solar, one of the largest community energy projects in the UK managed entirely by volunteers.

Campaign launches to protect vulnerable adults and children this Valentines Day

People holding banner

Published: Thursday, 14th February 2019

Valentine’s Day should be about celebrating the love and affection between loved ones. However, this will not be the case for some men, women and children; Valentine’s will just be like any other day.

The Community Safety Partnership at Cannock Chase Council has launched a new campaign to tackle adult and child abuse.

Get ready for elections in 2019

Your vote matters

Published: Thursday, 14th February 2019

On Thursday 2 May 2019 voters in Cannock Chase will go to the polls to elect Councillors to all 15 of its electoral wards.  Where contested, Town Council and Parish Council elections will also take place on the same day.

Tony McGovern, Electoral Registration Officer / Returning Officer for Cannock Chase, said “Only people who are registered to vote can take part in May’s elections.  The majority of eligible people are already on the register, but those who aren’t won’t be able to have their say on polling day.

Cannock Chase achieves the highest economic growth of the GBSLEP areas

Councillor Gordon Alcott

Published: Tuesday, 12th February 2019

Cannock Chase Council is delighted that a recent GBSLEP report shows that the Cannock Chase economy grew significantly during 2017.

Data produced by the ONS that has been published by the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) shows that Cannock Chase has seen the largest proportionate increase of Gross Value Added (GVA) within the GBSLEP area during 2017.  The GBSLEP area includes; Birmingham, Bromsgrove, Cannock Chase, East Staffordshire, Lichfield, Redditch, Solihull, Tamworth and Wyre Forest.

Council Tax increase is set to be less than inflation in Cannock Chase

Councillor George Adamson

Published: Friday, 8th February 2019

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet agreed at its meeting last night to recommend to full Council an increase of 1.95% in its Council Tax for 2019-20.

The proposed increase forms part of the recommendations to full Council in relation to its Budget for 2019-20 to 2020-21. A balanced budget of expenditure and income is forecast over this period, however the report highlights that great uncertainty exists in relation to government funding for the last two years of the three year plan.

Disabled Facilities Grants for Council properties to be reviewed

Councillor Alan Pearson

Published: Friday, 8th February 2019

Last night Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet agreed to a review of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) works on Council properties.

The Disabled Facilities Grants system provides a mechanism for assisting people both financially and practically with adaptations to their home.  Adaptions to properties could be; installing ramps, widening doorways, stair lifts and kitchen or bathroom adaptations to enable disabled people to lead more independent lives.

Computer donation will help support families in crisis


Published: Thursday, 7th February 2019

Rugeley Food Bank has been given a vital new tool, thanks to a donation from the Council’s housing department. 

A laptop computer, which was surplus to requirements has been refurbished and donated to Rugeley Food Bank by Cannock Chase Council.

With a fully functional and up to date machine, volunteers will be able to check client and voucher details, signpost clients to further support and help clients with Universal Credit issues.

David Webb manager Rugeley Foodbank said “This gift is an invaluable resource.

Allergen awareness campaign highlights the consequences if things go wrong

Published: Wednesday, 6th February 2019

Cannock Chase Council has launched an awareness campaign relating to food allergens for businesses in the District.

To help promote the campaign, earlier this year Cannock Chase Council’s Food and Safety team issued a ‘Shock Tactics’ leaflet to food businesses in Cannock Chase.

The ‘Shock Tactics’ reminded businesses of high profile cases in the UK, where members of the public have died after eating food purchased from commercial food businesses.

Hednesford Park community book is now on sale!

Community Book

Published: Thursday, 31st January 2019

A community book about Hednesford Park and War Memorial is now available to purchase thanks to the help of park users – past and present.

`From Pools to Park and Play!` has been created by Cannock Chase Council in partnership with Inspiring healthy lifestyles, and captures local memories about the park and War Memorial in a fun and interactive way.

Schoolchildren from a number of local primary schools have taken part in various creative workshops to produce the visual elements that have been used to tell the story of the park over the years.

DFG boost for Cannock Chase Council to spend on adapting homes for disabled residents

Councillor John Preece

Published: Thursday, 24th January 2019

Cannock Chase Council has received more than £98,000 of additional funding from the government for its Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG).

The additional funding will go towards adaptations to private owners/tenants properties in the Cannock Chase District, such as; ramps, stair lifts, bathroom adaptions and extensions to enable disabled people to lead more independent lives.

A to Z of Services