About our scheme
Cannock Chase Council was allocated £20m from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) in the Budget in October 2021. At the time it was one of the first successful bids from across the UK to share in this funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The Council submitted its bid earlier that year within a 12-week period
The funding makes a huge difference to Council plans to rejuvenate Cannock Town Centre and has enabled the Council to go ahead and create a leisure and cultural hub in the town centre, incorporating the existing Prince of Wales Theatre on Church Street which will be refurbished and developed, the demolition of a no longer-used multi-storey car park to create a footprint for a new cafe and studio space, an incubator space for new businesses, and a Northern Gateway will be created to remove the existing subway under the Ringway which will connect the town centre to Beecroft Road car park via a new at grade crossing over the Ringway.
Video produced and town centre perception survey undertaken
After being awarded the Levelling Up Fund money, the Council then engaged further with residents and visitors to gather views and perceptions of Cannock Town Centre before any redevelopment proposals take place. A video was created about the project which is available to watch here
Outline planning application made
An application for Outline Planning Permission was made to Cannock Chase Council on 17 March 2023 by Cannock Chase Council's Levelling Up Fund scheme agents, Tetra Tech. It can be viewed at https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/cannock/application-details/26452. It will be considered by the Council's Planning Control Committee at a date to be determined. An update on the application will be provided when the Committee makes its decision.
- Press Releases
Levelling Up Fund Budget Announcement for Cannock Town Centre - Published 29 October 2021 £20m Levelling Up Fund money for Cannock town centre is `huge boost`
Staffordshire County Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member visit Cannock to understand first hand Cannock Chase Council Plans - Published 31 January 2022 Cannock town centre vision feedback revealed as County Council’s economy and skills lead pays a visit
Survey launch to capture residents' perceptions of the town centre as it appears now - Published 10 May 2022 New survey aims to capture perceptions of Cannock town centre
Compulsory Purchase Order announcement - Published 22 September 2022 Critical stage reached in Cannock town centre development
Drop in sessions announced - Published 5 October 2022 'Drop in' sessions announced for Cannock town centre development
Application for outline planning permission - Published 22 March 2023 Outline planning permission sought for Cannock town centre’s regeneration
Compulsory Purchase Order notice published - Published 16 June 2023 Compulsory Purchase Order made for Cannock town centre
Outline planning permission agreed - Published 15 November 2023 Cannock town centre regeneration takes step forward
- Cannock Town Centre LUF Application
Cannock Town Centre Levelling Up Fund bid application form
During Autumn 2021 we were delighted to receive news from the Government that the Council’s Levelling Up Fund bid had been successful. As a result, Cannock Chase Council was allocated £20m to regenerate Cannock Town Centre, something that the Council and its councillors have been keen to do for a while.
There has been widespread recognition that Cannock Town Centre requires major improvement. The former multi-storey car park has become an eyesore and we are not making the most of some of the town centre assets including the Prince of Wales Theatre.
The Council is now able to publish a redacted copy of the bid application form submitted to the Government SEE BELOW
The application form details the funding basis of our plans and gives some further detail around the proposed development.
Please note that it is necessary to redact information contained in our application form. This is because some of the content is commercially sensitive and revealing it may harm our ability to negotiate with third parties who are fundamental to the Council’s vision for the town centre to be realised.
A significant sum of public money is being invested by both the Government and the Council. It is important that public money is invested wisely to achieve value for money for taxpayers. Revealing redacted detailed information at this stage might affect delivering the proposals.
The redactions made are in respect of the “commercial interests exemption” included within the Freedom of Information Act.
Cannock Chase Council's Levelling Up Bid application documents may be downloaded below (pfd downloads)
Cannock LUF Application part 1
Cannock LUF Application part 2
Cannock LUF Application part 5
- Levelling Up Fund Images / Drop-in Session
Download images, location plan and drop-in session notices below:
View 'A'.jpg (1015.27 KB)
View 'B'. jpg (976.92 KB)
View 'C'. jpg (700.87 KB)
View 'D'. jpg (754.88 KB)
Location Plan. pdf (2.13 MB)
Drop-in Session 'Challenges'.pdf (62.38 KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Cannock Town Centre scheme)
Why is the town centre being developed?
Much of Cannock’s town centre was last developed in the 1980s and while many of the buildings have stood the test of time, significant areas haven’t fared so well, notably the Council owned multi-storey car park, which is no longer fit for use and has been closed in recent years. Furthermore - in common with similar town centres - the day time and night time economies have struggled in recent times, particularly with the growth in online trading, the pandemic, and the current cost of living crisis.
This is why Cannock Chase Council decided to submit a bid to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) programme in May 2021 to bid for £20m of funding to regenerate key parts of the town centre. That bid was successful and was announced in autumn 2021.What will be different when the work is completed?
The Council is delivering a scheme that will re-purpose a central area of the town centre, based around the multi-storey car park and the Prince of Wales Theatre in Church Street. The emphasis is on creating a leisure and cultural hub in the town. The Prince of Wales Theatre will be refurbished, and its role will diversify as a local community asset and a cultural destination. There will be a new cafe and studio space. Alongside will be the creation of a new business incubator and entrepreneur accelerator scheme, which will be housed within a leisure and cultural hub building.
A new Northern Gateway will be created to remove the existing subway under the Ringway and will connect the town centre to Beecroft Road car park via a new at grade crossing over the Ringway.
Improved public realm will be created, and will include a bike hub, new signage, landscaping, and street furniture.
Will we see more and better shops as a result?
The LUF scheme is not about providing additional retail units in the town centre. Retail development will come from the private sector including from Cannock Shopping Centre, and its new owners, as market conditions allow. However, through its planning process the Council will encourage retail development that is appropriate and is in accordance with policies in the Council’s Adopted Local Plan.
How much is it costing and how is it being funded?
The Government has provided £20m through the Levelling Up Fund programme, while the Council is providing an additional £5.6m from its District Investment Fund. It is anticipated that private sector investment will be attracted to complement the public sector funding.
What is the timescale for the scheme?
The scheme needs to be completed by the end of March 2025. Since the LUF money was awarded in late 2021, a great deal of `behind the scenes` work has been taking place; to appoint lead consultants; to work up designs, costs and overall plans for the scheme; discussions with partners, consulting residents on the vision for the scheme and capturing their current perceptions of the town centre, and assembling the land required to deliver the scheme which will involve undertaking a CPO (Compulsory Purchase Order) process that will take around 12 months to complete.
Is it correct that the Council will need to compulsorily purchase land and buildings? Where will be affected?
Yes, there will be a need to progress a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) to support the assembly of land required to deliver the LUF scheme. Two sections within this webpage: `Levelling Up Fund - Cannock Town Centre | Cannock Chase District Council (cannockchasedc.gov.uk)`deal with this process. Please refer to `Cabinet Minutes to formally make a CPO order on behalf of the Council` and `Frequently Asked Questions (CPO and land referencing exercise)` for more information.
What work has happened so far and how much has been spent - as there doesn’t seem to be much happening?
As explained, there has been a lot of work going on `behind the scenes` as described above. The £20m is being released for spending as the project progresses but current spend levels are small compared to what they will be during the later stages of the project, when major demolition and building work will take place. Permission to spend reports are submitted to the local LUF Board and to the Council’s Cabinet before money is spent.
When are we likely to see demolition and building works starting?
We anticipate this work beginning at some point in 2024. Further information of project timescales will be provided on the Council’s website, its social media channels and via the local media.
Will the theatre have to close while work takes place?
We are planning for the theatre to close, temporarily, in early 2024 to enable the building to be developed as part of the scheme improvements. The theatre’s operations will move to Chase Leisure Centre in Cannock during this period.
I have heard the Council may move its offices to the town centre, is that the case and if so, what is being proposed?
The Council is considering creating a new Civic Hub adjacent to the development area which would replace its nearby Civic Centre on Beecroft Road, a building which is increasingly becoming unsuitable for office use. Funding of a new Civic Hub by the Council is entirely separate to the LUF scheme. A Civic Hub could potentially house services provided by Council partners. However, this project is still very much at an early stage.
What about Rugeley town centre which could also benefit from investment?
At the time the Council had the opportunity to bid for Government funding from the LUF scheme, a proposal for Cannock town centre was the only feasible option available that could be genuinely put forward. You may recall that the Council had produced a prospectus for Cannock town centre to market its potential to property developers a few years ago. Hence, we already had an idea of areas that could be developed and were in Council ownership. We also had an urgent need to address the long-term future of the multi-storey car park.
Furthermore, we are actively developing a pipeline of projects that could be funded in the future and we have recently received £3m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, with some of this money due to directly benefit Rugeley and the wider District.
How can we get more details about the scheme?
Information on the scheme can be found on this webpage. We will update this page as new information becomes available to share with residents and our businesses. You will also see we have section on this page with all our press releases issued to date, on the town centre development.
- Cabinet Minutes to formally make a CPO order on behalf of the Council
- Frequently Asked Questions (CPO and land referencing exercise)
What is Land Referencing?
Land Referencing is a key stage carried out by, or on behalf of, an `acquiring authority` (e.g. a council) in the process of preparing to make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). Land Referencing is the process of identifying people and organisations that have a legal interest in property or land which may be affected by the development of a project, and identifying the nature of that interest.
The information about land ownership and occupation, which is obtained through land referencing, is collated in tabular form and presented in a Schedule to the CPO. This CPO Schedule sets out the acquiring authority’s understanding of the people and organisations whose property or land may be affected by the project it is looking to take forward.
Why is Land Referencing needed?
An acquiring authority (in this case, Cannock Chase Council) has a statutory obligation to identify and notify people and organisations who have a legal interest in property or land that may be affected by a CPO.
Land Referencing is undertaken from an early stage in the CPO process because the information gathered is required in advance of making the CPO. This information gathering must happen before a CPO is made so that the necessary details of the land interests affected can be included in the CPO Schedule.
Who might have ‘a legal interest’ in property or land?
If you are an owner, a leaseholder, a tenant or an occupier you will have a legal interest in the property or land. The definition also includes anyone who holds an option to purchase land or has rights over land, for example, private rights of way, rights for pipes, cables and other services, sporting rights, rights to receive payments in respect of land, or restrictive covenants.
If you are unsure, please contact us at Cannock Town Centre – Land Referencing Team on 07759 839040 or by email at cannock@ardent-management.com
I have a house or flat, I do not have ‘land’, do you still need information from me?
The term ‘land’ is used in relation to all properties in an area of land, as well as the land itself. It is important that we carefully identify people and organisations who have a legal interest in houses, flats and any other properties or land that may be affected by the proposed scheme, as well as other legal rights such as access rights.
Does this mean the Council will be buying my land or property?
The scope of Land Referencing carried out in respect of a project may extend beyond the boundaries of the area in which the Council may need to acquire properties or land; it may also include areas that may be affected by the construction or the operation of the proposed scheme.
Land Referencing ProcessWho will carry out the Land Referencing?
The Land Referencing required for the proposed Cannock Town Centre Regeneration Project Compulsory Purchase Order 2022 will be coordinated in your area by a trusted, professional firm. Ardent Management Limited (“Ardent”) is one of the largest providers of Land Referencing services in the UK. Ardent is experienced at helping people who have a legal interest in property or land to complete the `Request for Information Questionnaires` which are used as part of the Land Referencing process. Ardent is also experienced in managing large quantities of land information and data securely.
I want to understand more about the Land Referencing process, who should I contact?
You can contact the Cannock Town Centre – Land Referencing Team on 07759 839040 or send an email to cannock@ardent-management.com if you require more information about the Land Referencing process.
Please note that these contact details are for queries about the Land Referencing process. Queries about the proposed Cannock Town Centre Regeneration project should be addressed to the Economic Development Service, Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1BG. Email: econdev@cannockchasedc.gov.uk
How is Land Referencing carried out?
Ardent have prepared a Request for Information Questionnaire and an associated Land Plan with information taken mainly from public sources of information, such as title registration data from HM Land Registry.
You are asked to confirm your interest in the property or land shown on the Land Plan and to review and, if necessary, update the details in the Request for Information Questionnaire. We also ask if you are aware of any other legal ownership or interests in the property or land and, if you are able to do so, to provide additional information in respect of such interests.
We ask that you complete and return the questionnaire. The information you provide will then be recorded and held securely by the team at Ardent, who will be in touch if further clarification is required. If we do not hear from you, Ardent will be in touch to confirm that you have received the questionnaire and to see if you need any help in completing it.
Can I provide this information electronically?
If you wish to, you can submit a scanned response by email to the team at Ardent at cannock@ardent-management.com
What information will you need from me?
When we collect personal information during the Land Referencing process, we may collect the following information about you:
1 – Name / trading name / company name;
2 – Home Address / Registered Company address;
3 – Email address;
4 – Contact address and telephone number;
5 – Land interest / ownership status and details; and
6 – Any additional items of information, which you provide to the Council as part of the Land Referencing activities.What happens if I do not return the Request for Information questionnaire?
If we do not hear from you, Ardent will endeavour to contact you either by phone or email, to confirm that you have received the Request for Information questionnaire and to see if you need any help in completing it. They will be able to answer any questions you have regarding the questionnaire or the Land Referencing process.
If necessary, for example where we have been unable to make contact by email or telephone, members of the team at Ardent may visit your property or land identified in the questionnaire to ensure that the questionnaire has been sent to the correct people or organisation, and if you are happy to do so at the time of our visit, to assist you in completing the Request for Information questionnaire.Why has Ardent contacted me?
If the members of the Ardent team are in contact with you it usually means they have not been able to confirm whether you have an interest in a property or land that may be affected by the proposed scheme, or that we need to clarify information provided by you or another party.
How do I check this is not a scam?
If you have any doubts, please contact the Cannock Town Centre – Land Referencing Team on 07759 839040 or send an email to cannock@ardent-management.com
All members of the Land Referencing team at Ardent will carry identification cards and a letter of authority which you can request to see. The letter confirms that the Council has authorised Ardent to operate on its behalf and to collect the information requested.Can I include my opinion on the proposals?
By completing the Request for Information questionnaire, it does not mean that you agree or disagree with the Council’s proposals for the project.
Will you pay me for my time to complete these forms?
The Council is not able to provide payment to complete the Request for Information questionnaires.
Land Referencing – Your InformationWhere have you got my information from?
The information has been sourced from public records, such as HM Land Registry or from completed Request for Information questionnaires. If there are errors in this information, it may be because HM Land Registry has not been updated. Please let the team at Ardent know if you think any of the information is incorrect, so we can ensure our records are updated.
How will the Council use the information it collects about me?
Your information will be used for the purpose of fulfilling the Council’s statutory obligations in connection with the proposed project; including to contact you to keep you informed and to engage further with you in connection with developing and progressing that project. A limited amount of information will be used by the Council to produce statutory documents that are required by law. This includes a CPO Schedule, which forms part of the CPO and will be a publicly available document (see below for details on the CPO Schedule).
Who will have access to my information?
The Council and trusted third parties will have access to your information for the purposes set out above. Your information will be held by Ardent, on the Council’s behalf, in a secure database. For further information, please see the section on Data Protection below.
Apart from the information published in the CPO Schedule, we will keep information received from you within the Council and our trusted third parties except where disclosure is required or permitted by law, for example to Government bodies and law enforcement agencies.
Will my information be made public?
The record of your interest in the property or land will be published in the CPO Schedule. We have a legal duty to make the CPO Schedule available for inspection by the public. It is also disclosed to the Planning Inspectorate and they may decide to publish the information. See below for details about what will be published.
What is a Compulsory Purchase Order?
Compulsory purchase is a legal mechanism by which certain bodies (known as ‘acquiring authorities’ in this case, Cannock Chase Council) can acquire land without the consent of the owner. Compulsory purchase powers can support the delivery of a range of development, regeneration and infrastructure projects in the public interest. In doing so, they can help to bring about improvements to social, economic and environmental wellbeing.
A wide range of organisations have compulsory purchase powers, which can be used to help facilitate a variety of different projects. For example, local councils can use their powers to support housing and planning projects, transport bodies can use them for new or improved road and rail links, and statutory undertakers can use them for utilities infrastructure.
Compulsory purchase is intended as a last resort and acquiring authorities are expected to try to acquire land by agreement before resorting to acquiring land compulsorily. They can seek to acquire the land or interests in land that they require before the compulsory purchase order is confirmed and should attempt to do so before and/or alongside taking steps to acquire land by compulsion.
What is the CPO Schedule?
The CPO Schedule is a document required as part of the CPO, which will be submitted to the National Planning Casework Unit in line with the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The CPO Schedule sets out who we understand has a legal interest in land within the project boundary or in a location that may be affected by the CPO. Those listed in the CPO Schedule will receive a notice advising them that the CPO has been made by the Council (and, in due course, whether or not the CPO has been confirmed by the Secretary of State). The notice of the making of the CPO will also explain how to make representations or submit objections to the CPO, in respect of your property or land.
The CPO Schedule is required by law to include the name and address of the person or company which has an interest in the land, and to identify the nature of the interest. The CPO Schedule will not include telephone numbers or the email addresses of anyone listed.
How long will the Council keep my information?
Except where we are legally required to hold it for a different period, your information will be retained in line with the Council’s privacy policy. The CPO Schedule will remain available for public inspection but it will not be updated once the CPO has been made.
Data Protection
Cannock Chase District Council and Ardent Management Limited, who are working on behalf of the Council, will only use the information you supply for purposes relating to Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) procedures and legal matters and to allow us to contact you relating to the same.
We may share your information with relevant lawyers and valuers where necessary. Your information may also be shared with a CPO inquiry body if necessary. We will not further share your personal information, except where it is necessary and lawful for us to do so.
For further information relating to how Cannock Chase Council processes your personal information please visit www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/privacynotices. For further information on how Ardent Management Ltd. processes your personal information please visit:
Download FAQ sheet.pdf (170.53 KB) - Project Specific Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment
Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment.pdf (573.35 KB)
- Compulsory Purchase Order
Compulsory Purchase Order.pdf (4.74 MB)
CPO - Statement of Reasons.pdf (620.99 KB)
CPO - Statement of Case .pdf (722 KB)
- FAQ's (CPO Making and next steps)
1. What is a CPO?
“CPO” is short for “compulsory purchase order”. A CPO is a legal mechanism which may allow an “acquiring authority” (such as the Council) to buy land even if the owner of the land doesn’t want to sell it.
I have received a letter enclosing a notice saying the CPO has been “made”, what does this mean?
As you may be aware, the Council made the CPO on 7 June 2023. This means that the Council has taken the next steps in its decision to deliver the scheme using compulsory purchase powers and has sealed the formal Order (i.e., the CPO) to help move this forward.
Does this mean the Council can now take my property?
No. Just because the Order has been “made” doesn’t mean the Council can now take your property/land.
To enable the Council to purchase compulsorily of any of the properties/parcels of land in the CPO, the CPO must first be “confirmed” by the Secretary of State i.e., the Secretary of State (or an Inspector appointed on his behalf) must give consent.
The Council’s CPO has been submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration.
What happens next?
A small number of objections have been made to the CPO, which both the Council and the Secretary of State are considering.
It is therefore likely that the Secretary of State will decide to hold a public inquiry so that an Inspector (appointed on behalf of the Secretary of State) can hear the Council’s case for the CPO as well as the case of any remaining objectors.
We expect to receive notification of this and more detail of the timetable for an inquiry shortly.
What is a “relevant date” letter?
As mentioned above, we anticipate the Secretary of State will decide that a public inquiry should be held, to help him decide whether or not to “confirm” the CPO (i.e., give his consent) – the Council is currently waiting to hear about this, via what is called a “relevant date letter”.
Will a public inquiry be held, and if so, when?
We anticipate the Secretary of State will issuing a “relevant date letter” stating that a public inquiry is to be held.
The Secretary of State then has a target of holding a public inquiry within 22 weeks of the date on the “relevant date letter” – note that this 22 week period is a target and not a statutory deadline and is dependent on current caseloads and Inspector availability.
We therefore anticipate any public inquiry being held in the spring of 2024.
Would I need to attend the public inquiry, and would I need to submit evidence?
We will provide further information on the public inquiry including who can attend, who can speak, who can submit and present evidence and the rules and requirements around all this in due course and once we have received the “relevant date letter”.
How quickly will a decision be made on the CPO?
This depends on whether the Secretary of State makes the decision or whether he delegates the decision-making to the Inspector who led the public inquiry.
The relevant target dates for issuing a decision (these are targets and not statutory deadlines) are as follows:
Secretary of state decision - Within 20-24 weeks of the close of the public inquiry
Inspector decision - Within 8-12 weeks of the close of the public inquiry
We therefore anticipate receiving a decision on the CPO in summer 2024 (at the earliest) and autumn/winter 2024 (at the latest).
When will I need to vacate my property/land?
Once the CPO has been “confirmed” (i.e. a positive decision has been received), the Council will then have the option of beginning to “implement” (i.e. put into effect) its powers and compulsorily purchase the land in the CPO. The Council would prefer to agree to buy the interests in land that it needs for the scheme rather than use compulsory purchase powers.
If the Council can’t reach agreement with landowners to buy the interests in land it requires in time, the Council will need to use its compulsory purchase powers. It will do this via legal processes called a “general vesting declaration” and/or a “notice to treat” and “notice of entry”. The legal process takes around 3-4 months to complete.
The earliest date on which the Council would need to use its compulsory purchase powers to take land for the scheme would be 1 June 2024.
If you have not reached agreement with the Council about the sale/purchase of your land voluntarily, you will be formally notified when the Council begins to implement its compulsory purchase powers and will be told exactly when you need to vacate the property/land – you will be given at least 3 months’ notice of this.
What timetable is the Council working to?
The Council is working to the following indicative timetable and will endeavour to complete the statutory CPO process as quickly as possible in order to try to minimise uncertainty for landowners and occupiers, and delays in delivering the scheme:
Receipt of “relevant date” letter
Autumn 2023
Public inquiry
Spring 2024
Summer/Autumn 2024
1 June 2024
Acquisition of land / property by the Council
Summer/Autumn 2024
Construction commencing (first stage will be demolition)
Autumn/Winter 2024
(but may be earlier if voluntary acquisitions are possible)
Construction completing
Winter 2025 / Spring 2026
Compulsory purchase must be a “last resort” – what does this mean?
Given the impacts that purchasing property/land compulsorily can have on people and businesses, the relevant Government Guidance (see link below) states that using such powers should be a last resort.
However, the Guidance also makes clear that valuable time will be lost if the Council waits for negotiations to break down before starting the compulsory purchase process and therefore acknowledges that it may often be sensible to plan a compulsory purchase timetable as a contingency measure and initiate formal legal procedures alongside negotiations to acquire land by agreement.
The Council has therefore made the CPO and will continue to formally promote the CPO whilst at the same time seeking to engage with all those who own or occupy property/land required for the scheme with a view to acquiring as many properties/parcels of land as possible by agreement, avoiding the need to “implement” (i.e. use) the compulsory purchase powers it seeks in respect of such property/land.
Compulsory purchase process and the Crichel Down Rules (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Why is the Council wanting to acquire my property/land by agreement if it has made the CPO?
The Council wishes to take all reasonable steps to acquire all of the properties/land included in the CPO by agreement which is why it is keen to enter into discussions with you for the purchase of your property/land should you be interested in selling.
Given CPO is intended as a “last resort” the Council is keen to limit the use of its compulsory purchase powers.
Furthermore, if landowners are willing to engage with the Council early on, it helps enable the Council to identify any measures that might need to be taken to mitigate the effect of the scheme on landowners (and neighbours).
Will I get less money if I sell my property/land to the Council now rather than wait for it to be compulsorily acquired?
No. The Council will purchase the property it needs for the scheme following the compensation code.
What compensation am I entitled to?
All offers for compensation will be calculated in accordance with the statutory “compensation code” which the Council must strictly adhere to.
The Government has published a series of useful booklets helping to explain what compensation is payable and when. These booklets are available via the link below.
Compulsory purchase system guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Why should I sell my property/land to the Council now?
Engaging with the Council now can also help address any concerns, alleviate fears, avoid misunderstandings and provide you wth the opportunity to discuss with the Council any necessary mitigation. It would also help to reduce uncertainty.
Will the Council pay for my surveyor fees and legal fees if I wish to sell now?
The Council will pay for surveyor and legal fees associated with the sale of your interest to the Council. These must be reasonable and must be agreed with the Council in advance of being incurred, please contact Michelle Smith at CPOEnquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk for further information.
The Council is not required to pay for any fees or costs associated with any objection you may have made to the CPO and/or in relation to any public inquiry.
I wish to sell my property/land that is within the CPO now, what do I need to do?
The Council is keen to acquire as many of the interests in land within the CPO as possible, therefore if you own property or land within the CPO, the Council would be keen to enter into discussions with you to see if an agreement for its purchase can be reached.
Please contact Michelle Smith at CPOEnquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk in the first instance. You will then be assigned a case manager for easy and direct access.
I need to find new premises to operate my business from, will the Council help me?
Yes. The Council will actively carry out property searches and work closely with business owners to identify any alternative premises that would meet the requirements of the affected businesses.
Please contact Michelle Smith at CPOEnquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk in the first instance. You will then be assigned a case manager for easy and direct access.
I don’t own or occupy any property/land within the CPO but I have received a Notice stating the CPO has been made - why is that and what do I need to do?
The CPO Schedule is split into two parts: Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1 contains the names and addresses of those persons who have a freehold or leasehold/tenancy interest in land or who occupy land within the red line boundary of the CPO map. Table 2 contains details of those persons who have other types of interests in or over the land edged red on the CPO map.
This means that if you have (for example) a right of way over land within the CPO, you will be listed in Table 2 of the CPO Schedule and you will have received a Notice stating that the CPO has been made. This does not mean that your property/land will be compulsorily acquired (unless you own/occupy other land within the CPO boundary, where land is proposed to be acquired).
Instead, the CPO (when confirmed) will enable the Council to override/extinguish (as relevant) your interest in the land – if this is necessary to enable the Council to deliver the scheme. In return for this, you will be paid compensation for the fact that you will no longer have the benefit of (for example) that right of way.
If you have concerns in relation to the effect of the CPO on your interest in land, please do get in contact via CPOEnquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk
I wish to relinquish my interest in the CPO land now, is that possible?
It is not generally viable for the Council to enter into agreements for the early extinguishment of Table 2 interests; however, this depends on the interest you have and the circumstances around it. The Council will therefore consider it on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore if you do wish to relinquish your interest now, please contact the Council.
Please contact CPOEnquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk in the first instance. If matters progress, you will then be assigned a case manager for easy and direct access.
I own a sub-soil interest in the CPO – what does this mean and what will happen?
Parts of the highways that are included within the CPO are on unregistered land. It isn’t therefore clear who owns the land underneath the highways (the “sub-soil”). We have used an established legal principle to assume that the subsoil of a highway (up to the half-width of the highway) is owned by the persons who own the freehold interest in the land on either side of the highway.
I wish to sell my sub-soil interest within the CPO now, is that possible?
If you can prove that you own the sub-soil beneath the highway the Council may be interested in purchasing your sub-soil interest. However, please bear in mind that sub-soil interests do not fetch a significant value on the open market and so any compensation offered will reflect the low value of such interests.