The Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 is the statutory development plan for Cannock Chase Council and forms the principal basis for which development is promoted and controlled. Rugeley Town Centre Area Action Plan provides further policy context for the town centre. More information is available from the drop down menus below.
The Hednesford Neighbourhood Plan and Cannock Wood Neighbourhood Plan also form part of the development plan and are available to read on the Neighbourhood Planning page.
Local Plan Review - The Local Plan is being updated and has been submitted for examination. Please see the examination website for more detail:
Details of all previous stages are available under the menus below. You can also view all responses made to the latest consultation on the Local Plan under Local Plan Review - Regulation 19.
Contact Database
If you would like to be notified of future consultations on the draft plan please email to request that your details are added to the consultation database. Please note that the adopted Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 will continue to set planning policy for the District, until it is replaced as a result of the Local Plan Review.
- Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 - Core Strategy & Rugeley Town Centre AAP
The Cannock Chase Local Plan - Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 is the statutory development plan for Cannock Chase Council and forms the principal basis for which development is promoted and controlled. The plan was adopted on Wednesday 11th June 2014.
It includes the Core Strategy (section 1), which contains the strategic context and core policies, and the Rugeley Town Centre Area Action Plan (section 2).
Please read the Affordable Housing policy update and refer to the Strategic Housing webpage in relation to Policy CP7 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.
The Local Plan (Part 1) and supporting documents are available to download below:
Cannock Chase Local Plan - Local Plan (Part 1) 2014
Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement
- Policies Map
The adopted Policies Map is the Cannock Chase 2014 Policies Map. It is part of the statutory development plan for the District, which forms part of the principal basis for which development is promoted and controlled. It shows approved sites which are suitable for uses including housing and employment land while also indicating protected areas such as the Greenbelt and Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding National Beauty.
The Council is continually working on new planning documents and the Policies Map will be updated as new documents are adopted. Please note that the Policies Map forms part of the mapping information shown on the online planning map alongside other planning policy data.
Please note that the data shown on the Online Map will be subject to change as policies are developed through public consultation and there should not be a presumption that any areas highlighted on the map will be developed.
To see the most recent version of the Conservation Area boundaries please refer to the Conservation Area Appraisals on the Building Conservation webpage.
- Minerals and Waste Local Plans
Staffordshire County Council are responsible for the production of the minerals and waste local plans for the county. These documents form part of the development plan for Cannock Chase District.
- Local Plan Review - Regulation 19
The Council approved the Cannock Chase District Local Plan Pre-Submission (Regulation 19) Document at the 14th December 2023 Cabinet meeting. The Regulation 19 public consultation ran from Monday 5th February until 5pm on Monday 18th March 2024.
The consultation documents included:
Cannock Chase Local Plan Pre-Submission Regulation 19 Document
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2023 Updated
- Cannock Chase Duty to Co-operate Statement of Compliance
- Integrated Impact Assessment Non-Technical Summary
- Local Plan Reg 19 Integrated Impact Assessment inc SA & HIA 02.24
- Local Plan Reg 19 Equalities Impact Assessment
- Regulation19 Habitats Regulation Assessment 2024
- Consultation Statement 12.23
- Introduction to the Local Plan Consultation - Display Boards
- Summary of Local Plan - Display Boards
- What are site allocations - Display Boards
Supporting documents are available on the Evidence Base webpage.
You can also read the the Consultation Responses submitted to the public consultation.
- Local Plan Review - Preferred Options Consultation
The Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation took place from Friday 19th March until Friday 30th April 2021 when we consulted on the following documents:
Cannock Chase Local Plan – Preferred Options document
The Local Plan helps to shape the way in which the physical, economic, social and environmental characteristics of Cannock Chase District will change over a 15 year period following adoption in 2023. The Council is currently undertaking a review of its adopted Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 due to a number of national and local policy changes. The Local Plan Review Preferred Options document follows on from the Issues and Scope consultation in 2018 and the Issues and Options consultation in 2019. This current Preferred Options consultation is the next step in the process and takes into account previous consultation comments received. It sets out an update on the key issues including housing and employment, and considers the Preferred Options for addressing them.
- Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation Document
- Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation Document Summary
- Local Plan - Preferred Options Policies Map
- Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation Letter
Note regarding clarification to the wording of Policy S03.1 in the above Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation Document.
The Local Plan (Preferred Options) consultation responses were reported to the 16th December 2021 and 25th August 2022 Cabinets.
Further Information Submitted Alongside Representations:
The information below was submitted by respondents to supplement their representations, but could not easily be summarised in the above consultation report. It has been published here for clarity and transparency:
1.Bloor Homes Ltd (Define Planning & Design Ltd) - Land west of Hednesford Road, Norton Canes
2.Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley inc. Appendices 1-2
2a. Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 1)
2b.Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 2)
2c. Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 3)
2d. Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendices 4-8
3.Engie (Barton Willmore) - Rugeley Power Station
4.Friel Homes Ltd (CT Planning) - South of Armitage Lane, Brereton
5.Holford Farm Partnership (Hawksmoor) - Jubilee Field & Turf Field, Watling Street, Norton Canes
6.KGL Estates Ltd (J.Heminsley) - South of Cannock Road, Heath Hayes
7.Mr & Mrs Small - Adj Forge Row, Slitting Mill
8.Mr A Newton (CT Planning) - Hill Farm, Hayfield Hill, Cannock Wood
9.Pentalver Transport Ltd (Tetra Tech) - Rumer Hill Industrial Estate
10.Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Brownhills Road, Norton Canes
11.Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Main Road, Brereton
12.Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - South of Cannock Road, Heath Hayes
13.St Modwen (RPS) - West of Pye Green Road, Hednesford
14.St Modwen (RPS) - York's Bridge, Pelsall
15.St Modwen Industrial & Logistics Ltd (RPS) -Watling Street Business Park
16.Taylor Wimpey (RPS) - East of Wimblebury Road, Heath Hayes & Wimblebury
17.Trine Developments Ltd (G.Fergus) - Long Lane, Norton Canes
18.Wyrley Estate (Fisher German LLP) - Grove CollierySustainability Appraisal Report and Habitat Regulations Assessment Report
It is a legal requirement that when we produce the Local Plan this is informed by a Sustainability Appraisal, so we are consulting on this alongside the Local Plan (this also incorporates a Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment). Given that there are a number of internationally designated ecological sites within the District, we also have to produce a report which assesses any potential impacts upon these sensitive sites arising from future development, known as a Habitat Regulations Assessment. Read the assessment reports accompanying the Local Plan here:
- Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal & Health Impact Assessment (March 2021)
- Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Equalities Impact Assessment (March 2021)
- Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Habitat Regulations Assessment Report (March 2021)
- The Local Plan is supported by evidence base documents that provide detailed information to support the Local Plan.
Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation Letter
Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Development Capacity Study (March 2021)
Cannock Chase Local Plan Preferred Options Habitat Regulations Assessment Report (March 2021)
Cannock Chase Local Plan Review Preferred Options Consultation Document 21.03.21
Cannock Chase Local Plan Review Preferred Options Non Technical Summary
Bloor Homes Ltd (Define Planning & Design Ltd) - Land west of Hednesford Road, Norton Canes
Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley inc. Appendices 1-2
Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 1)
Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 2)
Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendix 3 (Part 3)
Church Commissioners (Barton Willmore) - Bleak House, Wimblebury & Rawnsley, Appendices 4-8
Engie (Barton Willmore) - Rugeley Power Station
Friel Homes Ltd (CT Planning) - South of Armitage Lane, Brereton
Holford Farm Partnership (Hawksmoor) - Jubilee Field & Turf Field, Watling Street, Norton Canes
KGL Estates Ltd (J.Heminsley) - South of Cannock Road, Heath Hayes
Mr & Mrs Small - Adj Forge Row, Slitting Mill
Mr A Newton (CT Planning) - Hill Farm, Hayfield Hill, Cannock Wood
Pentalver Transport Ltd (Tetra Tech) - Rumer Hill Industrial Estate
Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Brownhills Road, Norton Canes
Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Main Road, Brereton
Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - South of Cannock Road, Heath Hayes
St Modwen (RPS) - West of Pye Green Road, Hednesford
St Modwen (RPS) - York's Bridge, Pelsall
St Modwen Industrial & Logistics Ltd (RPS) -Watling Street Business Park
Taylor Wimpey (RPS) - East of Wimblebury Road, Heath Hayes & Wimblebury
Trine Developments Ltd (G.Fergus) - Long Lane, Norton Canes
- Local Plan Review - Issues & Options Consultation
The Issues and Options consultation took place from Monday 13th May until Monday 8th July 2019, when we consulted on the following documents:
Cannock Chase Local Plan Issues and Options document
The Local Plan helps to shape the way in which the physical, economic, social and environmental characteristics of Cannock Chase District will change over a 15 year period. The Council is currently undertaking a review of its adopted Local Plan (Part 1) due to a number of recent national and local policy changes. The Local Plan Review Issues and Options document follows on from the ‘Issues and Scope’ consultation in summer 2018, which considered the key issues that needed to be addressed on matters such as the environment, housing, employment and town centres. This current Issues and Options consultation is the next step in the process and takes into account previous consultation comments received. It sets out an update on the key issues and now looks at what options there are for addressing them e.g. how much housing or employment land should be provided in the District and where that should be located in the District. This still represents an early stage in the process where we are looking at the more strategic issues and we have to consider all options available; no decisions on individual sites suggested for development have been made.
Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitat Regulations Assessment Scoping Report
It is a legal requirement that when we produce the Local Plan this is informed by a Sustainability Appraisal, so we are consulting on this alongside the Local Plan (this also incorporates a Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment). Given that there are a number of internationally designated ecological sites within the District, we also have to produce a report which assesses any potential impacts upon these sensitive sites arising from future development, known as a Habitat Regulations Assessment. We have produced the first stage of this assessment (a Scoping Report).
This is a document which sets out what infrastructure may be required to support development in the District over the next 15 years, such as schools, public transport and leisure facilities. It has been partially updated to reflect changes since the last version (2014) and will need to be updated further as the Local Plan Review progresses.
There is also a non-technical Local Plan summary and a Supporting Documents and Evidence Base Documents summary.
Local Plan Issues & Options Consultation Document - May 2019
Local Plan Non-Technical Summary
Supporting Documents & Evidence Base Summary
Habitats Regulations Assessment
Sustainability Appraisal Report Incorporating Health Impact
Economic Development Needs Assessment
Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment
- Local Plan Review - Issues & Scope Consultation
The Issues and Scoping consultation on the review of the Local Plan took place from 02.07.18 - 28.08.18 and a summary of the consultation can be read in the 8th November 2018 Cabinet report.
For more information please read the documents and their summaries below:
- Cannock Chase Local Plan Issues and Scope document and summary
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping report and summary
- Consultation Responses Summary
Further Information Submitted Alongside Representations:
The information below was submitted by respondents to supplement their representations, but could not easily be summarised in the above summary tables. It has been published here for clarity and transparency:
- Church Commissioners for England (Barton Willmore) - Wimblebury Road
- Greenlight Development (Lichfields) - Wellington Drive
- Inglewood Investments (SLR Consulting) - Springs Farm
- KGL Estates (J Heminsley) - Land at Heath Hayes
- Rentplus UK (Tetlow King)
- Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Brownhills Road
- Richborough Estates (Pegasus Group) - Cannock Road
- Taylor Wimpey - Wimblebury Road
- West Midlands HARP (Tetlow King)
- Mr Tony Wright (Pegasus Group) - Upper Birches Farm