Supplementary Planning Policy Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Supplementary Planning Documents provide additional information and guidanceĀ on policies outlined in Development Plan Documents. They demonstrate how policies can be taken forward through illustrations, text and practical examples.

Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents 

The adopted SPDs below provide additional guidance on existing national and local planning policies.

The Conservation Management Plans also have SPD status and can be read in the 'Conservation Areas' section of the Buildings Conservation webpage.

Parking Standards, Travel Plans and Developer Contributions for Sustainable Transport SPD (July 2005)

Developer Contributions & Housing Choices Supplementary Planning Document (July 2015)

Developer Contributions & Housing Choices SPD Adoption Statement

Developer Contributions & Housing Choices SPD Consultation Statement

Pye Green Valley Development Brief (Dec 2005)

Staffordshire Residential Design Guide Staffordshire County Council (April 2001)

Rugeley Power Station Supplementary Planning Document

Rugeley Power Station SPD Adoption Statement

Rugeley Power Station SPD Consultation Statement

Rugeley Power Station SPD SEA HRA Screening Report

Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Design Guide (April 2016) sets out detailed guidance/good practice advice for new development and to protect/enhance the District's historic environment.

Design SPD

Adoption Statement 2016

Design SPD Consultation Statement Adoption

SEA & HRA Screening and Determination Report

Land West of Pye Green Road Development Brief

Land to the west of Pye Green Road, Hednesford is a strategic urban extension to help meet the housing need requirements within the District and to provide associated infrastructure.  The Development Brief provides guidance on how the area could be developed in the most effective way and was subject to public consultation from 08.12.10 until 19.01.11.  The following information is available to download:


Adopted Land West of Pye Green Road Development Brief (March 2011)

Land West of Pye Green Road Summary Leaflet

Habitat Regulations Assessment


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