Council News

Leisure concession scheme approved 


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved, the revised leisure concessions for specific…

New bedding plants for Stadium site


Cannock Chase Council in partnership with Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, the Community Lottery…

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner visits Cannock Chase Council


Staffordshire’s Police, Fire…

Plan how your night will end, before it starts with a new safety campaign for women


A new campaign addressing women’s safety has launched across the District as part of Cannock…

Annual Council Meeting sees new appointments made for the next 12 months


Members of Cannock Chase Council have made appointments to key roles at their Annual Council…

Have your say on a new political map for Cannock Chase Council


News Release from the Local…

Cannock businesses benefit from huge investment through unique pandemic partnership


Nearly half a million pounds has been allocated to Cannock Chase small businesses through the…

Dual stream service launches in Cannock Chase


The new dual stream recycling service has begun to roll out over the district, its aim is to…

Council continues its fight against fly tippers


A recent court case has demonstrated Cannock Chase Council’s zero tolerance approach towards fly…

Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay to visit Cannock Chase District as full England route revealed


-    Queen’s Baton Relay route through England revealed 

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