Council News

Cannock Chase District is Blooming


Cannock Chase District is celebrating six Britain in Bloom awards across their parks and open…

Critical stage reached in Cannock town centre development


A critical stage has been reached in the development of Cannock town centre following the…

Council’s Cabinet agrees to adopt revised standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved the adoption of a revised Guide to Houses in…

Improvements approved at Laburnum Avenue


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet approved to spend over £385,000 on improvements to the play…

Replacement Dog Control Order approved across the District


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved a new Dog Control Order, revoking and replacing…

Community project sees toddler play area renovated


Volunteers from the National Citizen Service (NCS) came together last month to renovate the…

Tenants celebrate National Allotment Week with a potato growing competition


During National Allotment Week last month, St Barbara’s House, sheltered housing scheme,…

Hednesford North by-election


We are asking residents to ensure that postal votes for the Hednesford North by-election are…

Economic Prosperity Strategy refreshed


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have agreed to adopt the refreshed Economic Prosperity Strategy…

Air quality improved in the District


Cabinet heard at their meeting yesterday, that air quality has improved sufficiently, that two…

A to Z of Services