Council News

Manufacturing company invests in a new £4m facility in Cannock


Cannock Chase Council has welcomed the UK’s leading manufacturer of prefabricated reinforced…

£3million boost for Cannock Chase economy


Cannock Chase Council has been allocated just over £3million by the Government to invest in a…

Local residents urged to say NO to fraud this Christmas…


Residents in Cannock Chase and South Staffordshire are being encouraged to be aware of scams…

Calls to be vigilant following spate of car thefts


Cannock Chase Council and Staffordshire Police are calling on residents to be extra vigilant…

Green light given for two Staffordshire councils to share all services


Two Staffordshire councils will be sharing nearly all their services after the proposals were…

Cannock car park re-development progresses


A major re-development scheme in Cannock town centre has reached an important milestone with the…

Have your say on a new political map for Cannock Chase Council 


News Release from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England

Schoolchildren are taken on a musical journey to Binworld


Children from across Cannock Chase District were in for a treat this month when they were…

Waste and recycling calendars on the way to residents


The 2022/23 waste and recycling calendars are on their way to residents in Cannock Chase.  …

Saving money and improving services the aim of councils’ sharing plan


Two Staffordshire councils are looking to share their top teams in a move aimed at saving…

A to Z of Services