Council News

Become a Cannock Chase #LitterHero in this years Great British Spring Clean campaign


Back for its eighth year, the Great British Spring Clean is the nation’s biggest mass-action…

Views sought on improvements to Laburnum Avenue Recreational Area in Cannock


Residents living near the Laburnum Avenue Recreational Area can have their say on the new…

Work swings into action at Wellington Drive Park and Play Area 


Residents living near the park and play area in Wellington Drive have had the opportunity to…

Cannock pub has licence suspended after serious crime and disorder


Following an incident of serious violent disorder, at the Jolly Collier public house in…

Cycle arena and wheeled sports plaza agreed at Cannock Stadium site


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved to spend £275,000, to progress phase 2…

Staffordshire reaffirms support for armed forces communities


Staffordshire’s council leaders have joined together to reaffirm their commitment to the county’…

Cannock Chase Can app shortlisted for prestigious local government award


Cannock Chase Council’s and Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles’ health and wellbeing app Cannock Chase…

Help with energy bills for low income households


Cannock Chase Council has recently approved and adopted a framework to help reduce fuel poverty…

Statement on future of Museum of Cannock Chase


Cannock Chase Council is considering the future of the Museum of Cannock Chase located in…

Japanese cherry trees planted to celebrate friendship and cooperation


Last week Cannock Chase Council, Forest Hills Primary School and John Bamford Primary School,…

A to Z of Services