Council News

Signal blockers available to help reduce car thefts across the District


Cannock Chase Council and Staffordshire Police are calling on residents to be extra vigilant…

Funding to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in Cannock Chase


The Community Safety Partnership at Cannock Chase Council have received funding from Ben Adams,…

Proposals for a licensing scheme for non-surgical cosmetic procedures is welcomed


The Environmental Health service at Cannock Chase Council has welcomed proposals from the…

Charges approved for pre-application planning advice


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved a charging scheme for pre-planning application…

Don’t lose your vote... Annual canvass started in Cannock Chase


Cannock Chase residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details or risk…

Government funding helps SMEs Go Digital and towards Net Zero


Businesses in Cannock Chase District are being supported to Go Digital and transition to Net…

New food law enforcement plan adopted


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet has agreed to adopt a new food law enforcement plan for 2023-25…

Revised Environmental Health & Public Protection Enforcement Policy approved


Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet has agreed to adopt a revised Environmental Health…

Celebrate and enjoy our parks this Love Parks Week


Cannock Chase Council is supporting the national Keep Britain Tidy campaign ‘Love Parks Week’.…

A to Z of Services