Council News

Chairman’s Bavarian Charity Event


The Chairman of Cannock Chase Council is holding a charity Bavarian Night in aid of her chosen…

Investment into bus shelters in the District


Six bus shelters in the District have been replaced as part of an ongoing replacement and…

Do you know a good junior citizen?


The Good Junior Citizen Award is launched for young people in the District.


Are you a local person who recognises the valuable work that Councillors do?


The Council is looking to appoint local people to serve on the Independent Remuneration Panel to…

World War 1 tribute website is launched


Cannock Chase Council in partnership with WLCT has launched an official World War 1 website to…

Consultation has started on draft licensing policy in the District


Consultation has started on the draft alcohol Licensing Policy 2016-2020.

The policy has…

Local residents receive important voter registration information


Households in the Cannock Chase area will have recently received a form asking residents to…

Respect - It's a two way street


A Police force-wide summer anti-social behaviour campaign is underway in Staffordshire promoting…

A to Z of Services