Local Housing Allowance

What is Local Housing Allowance

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) has changed the way we pay Housing Benefit for tenants in privately rented accommodation (not including tenants in Housing Association properties or in Bed and Breakfast Accommodation)

LHA is based on rent levels for the area in which a person lives and how many people live with them.

Payment will be made by B.A.C.S. and will normally be made to the tenant. It is therefore important that you have a bank or building society account that the payments can be sent to. If you do not have an account you will need to open one. Information on opening a basic bank account is shown below.

For those tenants who may have difficulty in managing their own affairs we will consider paying benefit directly to their landlords in accordance with our safeguard policy. If you believe you are vulnerable and would prefer to have your benefit paid directly to your landlord you can download our Vulnerability Request form below.


Basic Bank Account Leaflet .pdf (788.01 KB)

Vulnerability Request Form .pdf (87.88 KB)

LHA Safeguard policy

You can read more information about LHA and how this authority intends to implement its safeguard policy by clicking the link below:


Local Housing Allowance procedures and flow charts .pdf (564.5 KB)

Additional Information for both Tenants and Landlords

Additional information is also available for both Tenants and Landlord below:

National Landlords Association Website

Landlords may also find the information held on the National Landlords Association website useful.

Local Housing Allowance Rates

Local Housing Allowance Rates are shown below.

If you require LHA rates prior to the ones shown, or have any other queries relating to Local Housing Allowance, then contact the Benefit helpline number on 01543 464292.

LHA April 2025

  • Shared room    £81.10
  • 1 room           £115.07
  • 2 room           £143.84
  • 3 room           £170.30
  • 4 room           £228.99


Last Updated:

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