The recycling service changed in May 2022 with a dual stream collection service being brought into operation.
We introduced a blue bin and blue bag to each household (where applicable) for all recyclables with the bag being used to collect paper and card and the bin collecting plastic bottles, tubs, trays, tins, cans and glass items.
Below are some FAQs that explain why we made this change.
- Can I have more than one blue bag?
Yes. If you are disposing of more card and paper than one bag will hold you can order a second bag by calling 01543 462621, email : wasteservices@cannockchasedc.gov.uk or use this online form: Order a bag
- What can and can’t go in my blue bin/bag?
Please visit our website : which bin (link to web page which items go in which bin): which items go in which bin look-up
- I live in a flat and want to recycle but only have communal bins?
Unfortunately there are a number of properties where we are unable to collect recycling currently but these properties are under constant review as we want to encourage everybody to recycle where possible.
This might mean we provide you with different bin types rather than the usual blue bin/blue bag but will ultimately provide the recycling opportunity.
- What if I have excess cardboard that won’t fit in my blue bag(s)?
The bags should hold your card and paper if it is broken down but you will be allowed an additional bag which can be requested online.
- I have two blue bins, can I use one of these for my paper and cardboard?
No. The blue bin is only for plastic bottles, tubs, trays, tins, cans and glass items. If you no longer need the additional blue bin you can ask for it to be collected by going to our website: Report it (link to report it page) and select Bin - Collection request
- Can in use plastic bags to put my recycling in?
You should put your paper and card directly into your blue bag and your plastic bottles, tubs, trays, tins, cans and glass items directly into your blue bin without using any other plastic bags.
- What will happen if I put the wrong items in my blue bin or blue bag?
The collection crews are trained to check each blue bin and bag prior to emptying it. If they find they contain the wrong materials it will not be emptied and you will need to remove the unwanted items and present your bin/bag on your next scheduled collection day. The crew will not return on the same day.
- Can I mark my bin or bag with my house number?
Yes, we would encourage you to put your house name/number on your blue bin/blue bag. There will be a panel on the bag for you to do this with a sticker or permanent marker.
- Will these changes affect my assisted collection?
No. If we currently provide you with an assisted collection because of ill-health or mobility related issues, we will continue to provide you with that service. You do not need to contact us. You should place your new bag next to your blue wheelie bin in your usual place, or if there is room, in the top of the wheelie bin.
- Can I use plastic bags to put recycling in?
You will not be able to use plastic bags to recycle your paper and card. You will need to use your new blue recycling bag, which is reusable.
You should place your glass, cans and plastics loose in your blue bin (not in bags).
- What will happen if I place the wrong items in my bin or bag?
The Council’s collection crews are trained to check each blue bin and bag prior to emptying it. If they find they contain the wrong materials, it will not be emptied, you will need to remove the unwanted items and present it on your next scheduled collection day. The crew will not return on the same day.
- Can I mark the blue bag with my house number?
Yes, we would encourage you to put your house name/number on both your blue bin and bag. There will be a panel on the bag for you to do this with either a sticker or permanent marker.