Cannock Chase Local Plan 2018 to 2040
The Cannock Chase District Local Plan is designed to guide and manage the development of the District and is intended to replace the existing Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 upon adoption by the Council. The new plan contains local planning policies and site allocations which will meet the development needs of the District over the plan period to 2040. The Local Plan addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure. Policies will safeguard the environment, enable adaptation to climate change and help secure high quality accessible design. The plan has policies on a range of topics which will be used to help determine planning applications.
The Local Plan has been under development since 2018. During this time a variety of evidence has been gathered to inform the plan and it has been subject to three separate public consultations - details are available on the Local Plan webpage for reference. The Council have also worked with stakeholders including land owners, agents and developers, infrastructure providers, neighbouring authorities, the County Council and government bodies to develop the Local Plan.
The Local Plan report seeking permission for Council to recommend the submission of the Cannock District Local Plan Regulation 19 document to the Secretary of State for examination was approved at the 9th October Council meeting, following consideration of the report and updated Local Development Scheme (LDS) at the 26th September Cabinet meeting.
The Local Plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for Examination in Autumn 2024 (29th November) in line with the LDS (Local Development Scheme) schedule. The LDS sets the target date for the Examination by a Planning Inspector as Spring 2025, subject to confirmation by PINS.
Planning Inspector Mr A McCormack BSc (Hons) MRTPI has been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Cannock Chase Local Plan Review - confirmed by PINS on 18.12.2024.