Waste and Recycling Collections Update

Waste and Recycling Collection Day Changes

From 31 March 2025, some households will see a change to their waste and recycling collection day. While not everyone will be affected, it’s important to check your details. For those that will be affected, a letter will be sent to you. 

What you need to know:

  • Some households will have a new collection day – check your letter for details.
  • Not everyone will be affected, but please stay informed.
  • Changes take effect from 31 March 2025.

Stay updated:

Reminder: If your bin has not bin emptied due to a day/week change, please leave your bin out for collection and we will endeavour to collect within the next 2 working days. 

Why are we making these changes?

Cannock Chase Council, along with its contractor Biffa, has announced that there will be some route changes for its waste and recycling collections across the district, as part of its new contract.

The changes in the new contract help save money and carbon emissions by optimising waste and recycling collection routes across Cannock Chase, thus helping to protect the environment and future service delivery by the Council.
The route changes will take effect from 31 March 2025, and will mean that some households will have their waste and recycling collected on a different day.

By revising our collection routes, the Council aims to streamline waste collection and recycling processes, offering a more efficient and reliable service for our residents

Will my collection day be affected?

In some cases, residents will have a change to their collection schedule. If your collection day/ week has been changed, you will receive a letter and a one-off printed calendar outlining your new collection information. Only those residents who are affected by the change will be notified. 

Does this mean there is a change to the service we currently receive?

No, there is no change to the service we provide. Residents will still receive a fortnightly collection of residual waste (green bin), dry recycling (blue bin & bag) and garden waste (brown bin - subscriptions only). Small electrical items (WEEE) can still be presented in a carrier bag at the side of any bin on collection days. 

Is my Garden Waste Subscription affected?

No. You will still receive collections fortnightly – for 46 out of 52 weeks of the year (23 collections). Collections may be suspended, however, in cases of bad weather.

What if I haven’t received a letter and calendar?

You will only receive a letter enclosing a calendar if there is a change to your collection day/week. If you haven’t received one, then your collections will remain the same. If for any reason you believe your collections have changed and you haven’t received notification, please enter your postcode here: Cannock Chase Council - Bin Collection Dates where you can check your collection day and download a calendar. Alternatively, our customer service team are happy to help on 01543 462621.

I currently receive an Assisted Collection, does anything change for me?

If you receive a letter about changes to your collections, please ensure your bin(s)/bag are accessible on your new collection date. The service you currently receive remains unchanged. 

Do I still present my bin by 7am on collection day?

Yes, please ensure all bin(s)/ bags(s) are presented on your collection day by 7am. Our collections start from 7am and can be up until 6pm. 



Last Updated:

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