Find out about food hygiene ratings for restaurants, cafes and take away businesses in Cannock Chase.
To help you choose where to eat out or shop for food Cannock Chase District Council is participating in the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme. The scheme will give you information about the hygiene standards in restaurants, pubs, cafes, takeaways, hotels and other places you eat out at, as well as supermarkets and other food shops.
Please note that you can search by business name, town/postcode or local authority.
Search food hygiene ratings for Cannock Chase District at http://ratings.food.gov.uk/
- How is the food hygiene rating calculated?
A business can be given a rating from 0 up to 5 following a visit by an officer. This is based on how well the business is meeting the requirements of food hygiene law. In particular:-
- How hygienically the food is handled - safe food preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage.
- How the condition of the structure of the premises and the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities.
- How the business managers what it does to make sure food is safe and so that the officer can be confident standards will be maintained in the future.
It is important to remember, the hygiene rating does not reflect the quality of food or the standards of service the business provides.
- Where will the food hygiene rating be displayed?
You can look up food hygiene ratings on the Food Standards Agency website.
Businesses are also given a window sticker showing their ratings and are encouraged to display these at their premises in places where you can easily see them when you visit. Display is voluntary at the moment.
- Food Hygiene Standards App
You can now find out what food hygiene rating your local food business has been awarded from your mobile phone....just seach 'food standards agency' and download the FREE hygiene ratings app.