Great Crested Newt Licensing
Great crested newts (GCN) are a protected species and are found within Cannock Chase District. Proposals for development in certain areas of the district, which are impacting ponds and/or habitat surrounding ponds, will need to consider this species.
Local planning authorities identify where great crested newts are likely to be by using the 'Impact Risk Zone' maps provided on the NatureSpace Partnership website. If a proposed development falls within an amber or red zone it is likely that GCN are present and developers need to demonstrate how risks to GCN and/or their habitats will be dealt with.
There are different options available in the district for developers to obtain a licence to make their activities lawful and ensure that the impact on GCN will be mitigated.
District Level Licencing, delivered by NatureSpace Partnership
Natural England have granted Cannock Chase Council a District Licence for GCN.
The NatureSpace Partnership act as our delivery partner to operate the scheme. They use fees from developers to increase populations of great crested newts by providing new or better habitats in targeted areas to benefit the wider population.
It’s a simpler, quicker process than mitigation licensing because planning applications do not need to include surveys of great crested newts or details of habitat mitigation for newts.
You will need to confirm that you have joined the scheme before you apply for planning permission.
For more information on district licencing, visit the NatureSpace website or contact
Mitigation Licensing from Natural England
A standard GCN mitigation licence from Natural England can be applied for post-planning permission.
As part of the planning application the results of surveys for GCN are required to be submitted as well as an impact assessment and details of the mitigation to be delivered by the developer, which normally includes methods to remove newts and habitat creation.
Where there is only a temporary impact and the risk of harm to individual GCN or to their habitats is low, use may be made of the GCN Low Impact Class licence. This route is only available through ecologists registered with Natural England.