There are various stages throughout the building process when you will need to ask Building Control to carry out inspections. This is applicable to both Full Plans and Building Notice routes and is a legal requirement.
With your decision or acceptance notice you will be provided with a card detailing the stages that are required for inspection on your project, if you are using an agent this will have been sent to them.
Building work undertaken without notice being given is a contravention of building regulations and we may need such work to be opened up. Similar requests can be made if you don't keep us up to date on your progress.
The Building Control Surveyor will only be able to issue a Completion Certificate if the agreed notification stages have been carried out satisfactorily and the relevant information and Notice of Completion have been provided.
Inspections are carried out Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), notify us by 4PM for your next day site inspection.
Any of the following methods can be used to book your site inspection.
• Telephone- 01785 619340
• Email - bcinspections@cannockchasedc.gov.uk
• Text message - 07860 077319 (text only)
When notifying Building Control for an inspection, please include the following information:
• Name
• Full Site Address
• Application Number
• Stage of Inspection Required
• Contact Daytime Telephone Number