Resident Involvement Strategy 2024-27 - Consultation

Welcome to Cannock Chase Council’s Resident Involvement Strategy 2024-2027, which sets out how we want to deliver our engagement offer to tenants, leaseholders and housing customers, and deliver our vision of ‘Keeping our residents engaged, informed and at the centre of everything we do’. 

This Strategy document details what we are proposing to be working on for the next three years within Resident Involvement. It builds on and replaces our previous three-year strategy. This new approach is designed to demonstrate how our residents can become more involved in shaping services and having an input to decisions which affect them that are made by the Council, to ensure the services we offer and provide are meeting the needs of all our residents.

To ensure we achieve our vision we have set our six key aims: 

1. Understand and support our residents to meet their needs. 

2. Reduce complaints with more engagement. 

3. Increasing the diversity of our involved residents. 

4. Improve communication with our residents. 

5. Community safety and partnership working. 

6. Consulting with our residents and showing we have listened.

We will soon finalise the document, but first we would like to seek your views on our proposed Resident Involvement Strategy 2024-2027 and would like to receive any comments by Friday 2nd August 2024

A copy of the Draft Resident Involvement Strategy 2024-2027 is available to download and view below:

We will take account of all views received before the Strategy is finalised and welcome your involvement, this is the first step in our proposed vision for better resident engagement.

To submit comments you can complete our short survey at: 

We also welcome any comments via email to  by Friday 2nd August 2024


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