Applying for a Transfer

If you wish to transfer to another Council or Housing Association property you must make a new application via the Housing Online. This will be based on your current circumstances and you will be placed in the appropriate band.


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As a Council Tenant you are given priority to move if you are under-occupying your current home.

An inspection of your property will be carried out prior to you being offered alternative accommodation. If it is found that damage has been caused to the property, either deliberately or by your neglect, you will not be moved until all necessary work has been carried out to rectify the situation. As the tenant, you will be liable for the cost of any work required. Once you have been allocated another property, your application to move will be cancelled.

Transferring tenants who are in receipt of ‘benefits’ should note that generally ‘benefits’ is only payable on one property.  Should the tenancy you are leaving and the tenancy you are taking up overlap, then you will be liable for rent at both properties. 

Please note: The first weeks rent for the property is due in advantage at sign-up. This includes tenants currently claiming ‘benefits’ and is non refundable.

You can discuss this prior to moving by contacting either the Income Management Team or the Allocations Team. Contact details for these Teams are below:

Income Management - 01543 462 621 or send an email to

Allocations - 01543 462 621 or send an email to 


How many times can I transfer?

You can be considered for a transfer, but you will need to submit a new online application each time.

Your band will be awarded according to the circumstances at your present home; no account will be taken of past circumstances or waiting time.

You may wish to consider a mutual exchange, which is a much quicker option than waiting to qualify under the Choice Based Lettings Scheme.   The Council is a member of the Homeswapper Scheme, which is a nationwide website to register for a mutual exchange.  Existing tenants can access this service free of charge, you must have a clear rent account and be a secure tenant to be accepted.  When you have someone to exchange with, an application form is available at your Cannock Housing Office.

For more information, please see our Mutual Exchange page.


Last Updated:

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