Minor Works

Cannock Chase Council Housing has set aside £10,000 for each neighbourhood area from the budget, to pay for Housing minor estate based improvements, suggested by and approved by tenants.

Any Cannock Chase Council tenant can suggest how some of the money should be spent, subject to certain conditions.

The main condition is that the work must benefit the neighbourhood generally, not one or two individual properties.

Also, ALL households that might be affected must agree to the work going ahead.

Types of Improvements

The kind of improvements that would fall into this scheme include:

  • security measures - lighting, locks and alley closures etc;
  • environmental - removing graffiti and fly tipped rubbish, tree pruning etc;
  • landscaping - parking, footpaths etc;

Any other feasible suggestion will always be considered.

Suggestion Form

A suggestion form is available from Housing Reception in Cannock or by calling the Neighbourhoods Team on 01543 462621.


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