Step by step guide to registering online

Having trouble registering? Follow our step by step guide.

Step 1 - Create your account

  1. On the Housing Online 'Login' page, scroll down and click on the appropriate button for you.  If you're a tenant or housing applicant but haven't used Housing Online before, you will need to select 'Existing Applicants and Tenants - Register'.  If you're a new customer, you will need to select 'New Customers - Register'.
  2. You will then be directed to the registration page.  Here, you will need to type in your email address, create a password and press 'Next'.  If you don’t have an email address there are many free providers to choose from including Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo.
  3. You will then be prompted to check your email inbox for a verification email. You should do this straight away

Step 2 - Email verification

  1. Please be sure to check your junk and spam folders just in case. In the verification email, you will find a 'Complete Registration' link. Either click on the link or the 'Verify Me' button. Please note that the link will expire after one hour.
  2. After clicking on the link, you will be directed back to Housing Online to verify your details.

Step 3 - Register your details

New customers

  1. On the 'Register Details' page complete the person details, contact details and address details pages.
  2. Check all the information is correct on the My Summary page.
  3. Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
  4. Click Submit.

Tenants and housing applicants

  1. On the 'Register Details' page please select and supply either your Rent Reference (begins with 400) if you are a tenant, or your Application Reference (begins with 300) if you are a housing applicant.
  2. Enter your personal details.
  3. Create a memorable answer and date.
  4. Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Click Finish.

Step 4 - Success                                                                                         

Congratulations! You have successfully registered for Housing Online.

Last Updated:

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