Having trouble registering? Follow our step by step guide.
Step 1 - Create your account
- On the Housing Online 'Login' page, scroll down and click on the appropriate button for you. If you're a tenant or housing applicant but haven't used Housing Online before, you will need to select 'Existing Applicants and Tenants - Register'. If you're a new customer, you will need to select 'New Customers - Register'.
- You will then be directed to the registration page. Here, you will need to type in your email address, create a password and press 'Next'. If you don’t have an email address there are many free providers to choose from including Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo.
- You will then be prompted to check your email inbox for a verification email. You should do this straight away
Step 2 - Email verification
- Please be sure to check your junk and spam folders just in case. In the verification email, you will find a 'Complete Registration' link. Either click on the link or the 'Verify Me' button. Please note that the link will expire after one hour.
- After clicking on the link, you will be directed back to Housing Online to verify your details.
Step 3 - Register your details
New customers
- On the 'Register Details' page complete the person details, contact details and address details pages.
- Check all the information is correct on the My Summary page.
- Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
- Click Submit.
Tenants and housing applicants
- On the 'Register Details' page please select and supply either your Rent Reference (begins with 400) if you are a tenant, or your Application Reference (begins with 300) if you are a housing applicant.
- Enter your personal details.
- Create a memorable answer and date.
- Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
- Click Finish.
Step 4 - Success
Congratulations! You have successfully registered for Housing Online.